Norwich Rotary Club

Norwich Rotary Club

October 9th, 2024

Location-Bella Fiore


PresidingPresident Rodney Green

InvocationRodney Green

Fellowship: Ray Baribeault

Birthdays:   Paul Blanchard – 10/11 and Ryan Telford – 10/15

Anniversaries:  None

Guests:  No Guests

Visiting Rotarians:  No visiting Rotarians

Ray again entertained all with his famous puns!  “”Have you noticed that all the scientific instruments searching for intelligence are pointed away from earth?”  “Why did the golfer bring 2 pair of pants to the course?  In case he got a hole in one!” 

Membership Minute:  Ryan Telford gave a rundown of some Rotary membership facts that included famous Rotarians including Walt Disney, Neil Armstrong, John F. Kennedy, Margaret Thatcher, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Pope Francis.  Also noted was the first female President of Rotary International Jennifer Jones.   


The Rotary Spectacular “A Bizarre Bazaar” will take place on Thursday, November 14th at the Donald Oat Theatre, 62 Broadway, in Norwich.  Tickets are available for purchase at   The event is sponsored by Rose City Financial.  $25.00 admission. 

 Madonna Place will be hosting a Trivial Pursuit Challenge again and Gary Young has assembled a Rotary team to compete again this year.

Please bring spare clean egg cartons and give them to Bonnie Johnson.  

If you know of a speaker for one of our meetings, please contact Kevin Wickless or Alexis Kahn to get on the schedule.   

If there is a Rotarian who is sick or going through a tough time let the Sunshine Committee know and contact Mary Richardson or Nancy Gentes.

Happy Dollars:  Jen Granger

Jen said the Dictionary Project will be October 30th and dictionaries will be delivered to all 3rd grade students in the Norwich School System.  Volunteers will be needed to deliver starting at 9am and should be finished by the start of the weekly meeting.   Contact her if you can help.

Bob Reed donated $50.00 for the Thanksgiving Challenge and said he was happy to see the Minnesota Vikings off to a good start of the season.

Nancy Gentes was happy to have attended the UConn Huskies Football game on Saturday and see an exciting last second win for the Huskies!

Mike Matera said he spent a fun weekend at a cabin in Vermont with some old friends that included drinking a fair amount of craft beer!

Steve Martin gave to the Thanksgiving Challenge and said he had a great time at the New England Patriots game on Sunday.

Ray Baribeault gave $40.00 to the Thanksgiving Challenge and told a heart-warming story of a Boston terrier with puppies adopting a group of homeless kittens!

Rodney Green said that last week’s Chestnut Street Playhouse Annual Golf Tournament was a success and raised $11,000 and had 40 golfers participating. 

Jeff Brining said that NPU had cres helping in South Carolina and now is also sending crews to Florida to help with that hurricane.

Molly Bruno gave to the Thanksgiving Challenge and said that her wedding date is planned one year from now!  She went down to Harkness Park over the weekend to check out the foliage as that’s where the wedding will take place.  She hopes that there will be more color next year at this time!

Barry Shead gave $24.00 to the Thanksgiving Challenge.  He took part in the ARC Road Race at Harkness over the weekend and was happy to say he did not finish last this year.  He did mention that a couple of 80 year olds did come in before him however!

Mandy Crispim said she was busy over the weekend taking part in 2 walks. First one for Safe Futures and the other for the Terrie Brouder Cancer Walk. 

Pat Marshall asked all to pray for the people in Florida in the hurricanes path.  Also, she said that she has much planned for the upcoming Rotary event in November.

AuctionMike Goldblatt will donate $$.

LotteryPat Marshall

Mary Richardson, Rodney Green & Margarida Martins-Querido could not come up with the Ace of Spades.  Bob Reed was the winner of the ARC Cookies!

Program:  No Program today. 

Rodney led the club with the 4-Way Test and the meeting was adjourned at 12:37pm.