Norwich Rotary Club

The Rone Newsletter for September 25, 2024.

Norwich Rotary Club

September 25th, 2024

Location-Bella Fiore


PresidingPresident Rodney Green

InvocationMandy Crispim

Fellowship: Molly Bruno

Birthdays:   Nancy Gentes – September 23

Anniversaries:  Bonnie Johnson – 3 years in Norwich and 29 Total in Rotary!

Guests:  No Guests

Visiting Rotarians:  Kevin Ryan – Montville Rotary

In the 19th century, New London was one of the busiest whaling hubs in the entire world, out ranked only by New Bedford, MA and Nantucket, MA.  In 1850 when the whaling industry was at its peak, over $1 million worth of whale oil and bones passed through New London.  On September 24th 1908 the whaling ship Margaret was the last whaling ship to leave New London.  8 months later she returned and marked the end of 124 years of commercial whaling in Connecticut.  The Sperm Whale was designated as the state animal by the General Assembly in 1975.      

Membership Minute:  Stan Lucas asked all in attendance if they would like to move forward with the Rotary Talent Show Night.  The show would take place at the Donald Oat Theater and would be open to the public.  Talent acts would have to be collected and a sign-up sheet was passed around for members to display any talent they would like to perform that evening.  The date will hopefully be November 14th.  Stan said it would be a great was to introduce a prospective member to Rotary with food, drinks and good fellowship.


Please bring spare clean egg cartons and give them to Bonnie Johnson.  

If you know of a speaker for one of our meetings, please contact Kevin Wickless or Alexis Kahn to get on the schedule.   

If there is a Rotarian who is sick or going through a tough time let the Sunshine Committee know and contact Mary Richardson or Nancy Gentes.

Happy Dollars:  Nancy Gentes

Nancy gave $10.00 to say she and her husband went to the Big E over the weekend and she had what seemed to be the world’s biggest cream puff!

Bill Champagne reminded everyone that “Walktober” season in Norwich has begun and there are many great historical walks being offered throughout. 

Paul Gaffney welcomed Kevin Ryan to our meeting.  He was also pleased to announce that after a rough start to his golf league on last place they ended up finishing in 4th place coming on strong in the 2nd half of the season.  He was also looking forward to seeing his grandson play under the lights in a baseball game at Dodd Stadium.

Mike Cooney said that his daughter Katie is making great progress playing softball.  He has also been busy running golf tournaments in Massachusetts and Connecticut. 

Jeff Brining welcomed Kevin Ryan to the meeting.  Both his son and daughter are excelling at running cross country this year on their school teams.

Pat Marshall hopes her son can help with the talent show on the 14th.  She said her son is a very talented musician and attended the Hart School of Music as well as a few other prestigious schools.  He plays everything.

Barry Shead attended the Big E on Monday and said under the music tent there was a huge crowd.  He went to investigate and found Peter Noone of the 60’s group Herman’s Hermits was drawing the crowd.  Good show!

Gary Young spent last week in Myrtle Beach.  He and Romer and a group of others have been going there annually for many, many years.  He says it’s not quite the same as the old days when they would all be playing Frisbee, swimming and other physical activities non-stop.  The week ended with a very long 16 hour drive back to Connecticut!

Kevin Wickless thanked Bob Reed for doing the Rone weekly.  He said his daughter Maddie who is attending college in Denver said that there is snow already on the mountain tops.  His son is busy playing soccer this fall.  He also welcomed Kevin Ryan to the meeting.

Kathryn Tracey said she had a great weekend attending her niece’s wedding.  She’s proud of her daughter who is in grad school.  Kathryn also reminded that next week is the start of the “Thanksgiving Challenge” at Happy Dollars!

Kevin Ryan wished Nancy a happy birthday.  He also said that the Montville Rotary will be having a Trivia Night at the Oakdale Fire House on October 18th.

Rodney Green said that his granddaughter has a “accent coach” to help her with a movie part she has playing a part that has an Appalachian Mountain accent.  Rodney said he will miss next week’s meeting as it’s the Chestnut Street Playhouse Annual Golf Tournament.  If anyone would like to play in his foursome to give him a call.     

AuctionRodney had 4 passes for the Mansfield Drive in.  Kathryn Tracey was the high bidder at $30.00.

LotteryPat Marshall

Carrie, Barry and Roz could not come up with the Ace of Spades.  Tom Adams was the winner of the ARC Cookies!

Program:  No Program today however President Rodney has a couple announcements.  The club will have a table at the Healthy Living Festival at Dodd Stadium on October 5th from 9-2pm.  Volunteers needed to man the table.  He also invited members to attend a meeting of the Stonington Rotary on October 4th.  The District Governor will be the guest speaker.  Breakfast will be served at 7:70 at the Stonington Senior Center. 

President Rodney called on Bonnie Johnson and she led the club with the 4-Way Test and the meeting was adjourned at 12:54pm.