Presiding: Club President Mr. Jim Daly Esq.
Invocation: Joel
We ask you Lord for the gift of gratitude
For it is the virtue from which flows all other virtues.
Today I choose to live with gratitude
for the love that fills my heart,
the peace that rests within my spirit,
and the voice of hope that says all things are possible.”
Fellowship: Jim O’Shea Jim noted the numerous events of historical import occurring on February 20. Among these was the Station nightclub fire, which occurred on Thursday, February 20, 2003, in West Warwick, Rhode Island, killing 100 people and injuring 230.
Mike Cooney. Unrestrained clapping threatened to disrupt the assembly. Order was restored, albeit with difficulty.
Rotarian Anniversaries:
Stan Lucas, 41 years. Several long-time members speculated that Stan joined in his early teens.
Rotarians with guests:
President Mr. Jim reintroduced Suki Lagrito.
Visiting Rotarians:
Intensive searches in closets, halls and under tables revealed none.
Announcements: by Pres Mr.Jim D.
- Silence all cell phones or suffer a perpetual concert by Zamfirr, Master of the Pan flute.
- Suki Lagrito will be nominated for membership
- Mike Cooney provided an update on the No Show Gala, announced new contributors and the many ways to register
- President Mr. Jim discussed the new flag drop box at city hall and complimented its Young Marine advocate.
TVCCA thanked the club for its $500 donation.
New Member Proposal:
The Board of Directors has tentatively approved Suki Lagrito for membership. If any current Rotarian knows of a reason why the candidate should not become a member, an objection stating the reason must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors within fourteen (14) days of the date of this posting. E-mail to the President or Secretary may be used. If no objections are filed within that time, the candidate shall be considered elected to membership and a date for formal induction set.
Happy Dollars: With Mike Gordon.
Pres. Mr. Jim Daly welcomed spring training,
Susy Hurlbut lauded Andy Nollman for joining ECAR, Jim, Kyles father and her recent vacation.
Jim Konrad celebrated our new members and recounted his recent trip to a turtle rescue site in Florida and the rescue of several turtles from Massachusetts Bay.
Andy Nollman remarked on his near attendance at the Station Night Club the night of the devastating fire.
Bill Champagne noted that Channel 3 news visited Norwich to view Uncas Leap, the Slater Museum and …Dixie Donuts.
Bob Reed described the flag box ceremony at city hall and his memories of the Station fire.
Gary Young revealed his culpability in placing Valentine Day candies on each table. In an interesting juxtaposition, he encouraged everyone to visit Big Y and buy tooth paste. It could be contributed to a worthy cause.
Jim Konrad Offered a mystery box in an attractive shopping bag. Allusions to the contents incited feverish bidding from a few quarters. After moments of heightened tension Theresa Madonna emerged victorious. Further investigation and several anonymous sources identified the mystery box as containing the highly prized Girl Scout cookies. Particulars on the variety of cookies were not available.
Lottery: With Bill Champagne.
- Larry Fowler…No.
- Guest speaker Miria Toth…No.
- Theresa Madonna…alas, No.
Wholesale insurrection was only avoided by President Mr. Jim’s personal intervention.
Guest speaker Miria Toth described the origins and goals of Norwich Events Organization (NEO). Norwich Events Organization is a nonprofit, 501c3 volunteer committee that organizes community events for the citizens of Norwich and our surrounding community. These events are funded 100% by tax-deductible donations. Their efforts began with the 2014 St. Patrick’s Day paradescheduled for March 3 this year
Concluding the meeting, President Mr. Jim as always, proffered a useful aphorism.