President Mike called the meeting to order in his inimitable fashion.
Invocation-Barry Shead shared the gift of oratory.
Fellowship-Seamlessly, Barry shifted roles and provided the club with a selection of resonant quotes from Martin Luther King. The topics covered included freedom from oppression, the effects of injustice, and excerpts from the “I Have A Dream” speech.
Announcements-Wrestling the virtual podium from Barry, President Mike informed the club of several forthcoming events. He is submitting the PPE request to the district; our program today features Donald Thomas, President of the West Haven Club; the club board meeting has been postponed to June 17; our next “live and in-person” meeting will be the Change of Command on June 24, location to be announced. Gary Young noted that the golf tournament is scheduled for September 2 and that details are forthcoming. Past participants are being contacted and encouraged to attend.
Happy Dollars-In another enviable display of adaptability Barry again shifted roles and beckoned club members to join him for Happy Dollars. Barry was happy to be back at H&R Block and to see the ARC emerging from quarantine. Jim Daly was ecstatic over the prospects of attending a “live” meeting. Andy Nollman waxed poetic about his camping trip with his wife and his first haircut in months. Gary announced that he too had a haircut and was pleased to see so many members in attendance. At the meeting, not for his haircut. Lottie spoke eloquently about addressing the problems of prejudice and discrimination facing the country. Bill Champagne was glad to see the NFL addressing the problem of race relations. He noted the recent incident at the Norwich Starbucks and the use of racial epithets by a customer. He complimented the employees who intervened and the members of the public who expressed their gratitude by providing tips to those employees. He hopes that we will not see a repeat of the 1960s. Kathryn Tracey reported that she is working on Hero Boxes for foster children. President Mike described his hiking trip with his son, daughter, and mother. A good time was had by all! He bemoaned the postponement of his CPAP and COVID-19 tests.
Filling an unexpected void in the meeting, an impromptu round of “Famous People I Have Met” revealed that President Mike had made the acquaintance of Luis Tiante, a.k.a. El Tiante! Huzzah!
Via Zoom, President Mike introduced Donald Thomas, President of the West Haven Rotary Club, and two club members whose names, regrettably, I did not record. Mr. Thomas described his club’s commitment to the Uganda Farmers Water Project and requested that our club redirect funds from a moribund project to the one energized by the West Haven Club. A worthy endeavor!
Wielding his virtual gavel and accompanied by a fair imitation of a bell president Mike pronounced the meeting over. And out.