RONE June 24, 2020
Presiding: Past President Andrew Nollman presided over the change of command meeting, in which President Mike Cooney faded into that goodnight and Mary Richardson’s “adult” regime began. The meeting was held at the Rose Garden at Mohegan Park, with the roses in full bloom. Andrew began by thanking Rodney Green and his crew for the buffet, and the city Public Works employees for setting up the luncheon tables.
Invocation: Gary Young.
Guests: Kevin Reich, assistant regional governor, from East Hampton; Zachariah Stover, outgoing president of Rotary Community Corps; Mike Cooney brought his family — wife Jen and children Matthew and Katie.
Happy Dollars: Nancy Gentes for having lunch at the Rose Garden.
Bill Champagne thanks Mike and offers Mary good luck. Also, he says it’s a good thing there will be no Rotary softball game.
Jim Daly congratulations Mike.
Mike Matera congratulates Mike and welcomes Mary.
Kevin Reich thanks Mike (and his accordion sounds) and welcomes Mary. He also hopes the club is able to celebrate its 100th anniversary in some manner.
Stan Lucas said some of the other centennial ideas was to work on some of the Rose Garden masonry, adding a Rotary clock, and possibly putting a plaque in the Rose Garden.
Rodney Green thanks the group for having him feed us.
Mary Richardson thanks Mike and others for helping, and says she looks forward to working with us and getting help in the upcoming year.
Andrew Nollman thanks Mike for a great year, and seeing everyone in person.
Incoming President Mary Richardson gives the presentation to outgoing President Mike Cooney “in recognition to your commitment to truth, fairness,” etc. In addition, Mary gave him a Rotary tie.
Mike thanked all for the help he got this year. He says he remembers in September, when the biggest issue was EEE and the Cultural Diversity event. “We learned about Zoom, did the coat project, the dictionaries,” he said. He thanked his wife Jen and for her patience as he prepared for Rotary events. He thanked the board, Jim Daly for his support, Mary for being the unsung rock, Barry Shead for filling in as needed, Gary Young to be able to call in with no notice to do an amazing job with invocations, Bob Farwell for being a humorous person he can go to, Nancy Gentes with handling grants, Bill Champagne for “what he does for the club.” Suki for her work on Celebrate Diversity; and lastly Joel Etra, who has been a huge inspiration for Mike. He hopes he’s back soon leading us in song.
Mike says it’s up to us to find more people who share our goals for helping people. He looks forward to the future of the club what the club does under Mary’s “adult leadership.”
Jim Daly inducted the board and new officers”
— Board members Erin Gizio, Suzy Hurlbert and Bill CHampagne, Bob Farwell, Michelle Scott.
— Immediate Past President Mike Ccooney.
Secretary Jennifer Granger.
Treasurer Kathryn Tracy.
President Elect Jim Konrad
President Mary Richardson.
Also, outgoing board member Gary Young was thanked for his three years of service. Daly is also leaving the board as immediate past president.
In her first speech as president of the club, Mary said the club will meet at the Marriott in July (starting July 1!) at the Courtyard by Marriott with no food and social distancing. Up to 25 people are allowed in the room. Also, she is working to re-engaged members by using Zoom for those who can’t get to a meeting.
Mary is also looking for someone to take over dictionary project. She wants to do things to help with the Amber Alert project and the Haitian Health Foundation. And she will see us all next week in person!
Reporter: Jim Konrad