Norwich Rotary Club

The Rone! June 9th, 2021! Next week: Meeting at Rose Garden!!

Rotary Club of Norwich

June 9th, 2021

Location-The Courtyard & Zoom


Presiding:    Andy Nollman filling in for President Mary Richardson

InvocationGary Young gave an inspiring invocation with help from Nancy Gentes on a moment’s notice!

FellowshipAndy Nollman filling in for Susy Hurlbert

Birthdays:   Mike Goldblatt – June  14th 

Anniversaries: Mike Matera – 19 Years & Jen Granger – 8 Years

Visiting RotariansNicole Sweeney via Zoom from Plainfield Rotary

Andy gave an inspiring fellowship with quotes from Mother Theresa.  Some being “Forgive self-centered people.” “Peace begins with a smile.”, “If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway.”  “If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; succeed anyway”.  “Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; give the world the best you’ve got anyway.”  These were just some of the inspirational quotes from Mother Theresa.


*Andy Nollman had the following announcements:


*Jen Granger will be heading up the Dictionary Project in the fall for the Norwich Schools 3rd Graders.

*If you know of anyone who would be a good speaker at one of our Rotary Meetings contact Bob Farwell or Kevin Wickless.  Speakers can be done virtual (ZOOM) as well if needed.

*Gary Young reminded us that the Rotary Golf Tournament will be on September 1st.

*The $5,000 is now in hand to purchase the 20,000 diapers and an order will be places when it is determined who can accommodate the order and give the best price.  Mike Matera will receive the order and help is needed from members to package and distribute.

*Update on the carnival:  It was voted to choose the June 23-25, but a location is still in question and it may be moved to the fall.  Stay tuned for a decision from the Board.

*Change of Command will be held at our regular weekly meeting on June 30th.

 Happy Dollars: Barry Shead

*Barry started things off with he’s at home watching his 1 year old granddaughter and enjoying every minute.  He also gave for Mike Matera and all the tireless work he did for the Uniting for United Food Drive.  Over $15,000.00 and 10 Pallets of food was collected for the United Way/Gemma Moran Food Center!

*Andy Grant gave for Mike Matera and his never ending efforts in doing good things to make our community better and how Mike quietly does good things never seeking credit or recognition.  Andy also gave for spending time with his granddaughter in Charleston and he is looking forward to a 2nd grandchild in July that will be a grandson!  Andy said “Pickleball” is ruining his tennis game.

*Mike Matera gave happy dollars in honor of Barry Shead for his efforts making the Uniting for United food drive such a success.  Mike also had very sad dollars for a really great employee of his that lost everything he owned in a tragic house fire over the past weekend.

*Rodney Green received a call from Mike Matera’s mom Lois inviting him and Lucille to their house for lunch.  Rodney said seeing as he owns a restaurant “he” would bring lunch to them.  Joe Matera has been dealing with some health issues and it was good to get together now that the Covid restrictions have been lifted.  Joe and Rodney even made a quick trip in the afternoon to the casino!  Rodney also said he is fulfilling a huge military order over the next few weeks and would not make the meetings.

*Roz Etra gave happy dollars for Shania who has been helping her and Joel, and they could not have attended today’s meeting in person without her help.

*Bob Reed had happy dollars for Andy’s fellowship and told a story of how Jerry Lowney met Mother Theresa years ago in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and her request to Jerry during that meeting.  Her request to start a health clinic in the poorest, most remote part of Haiti was the start of what would evolve into the hugely successful Haitian Health Foundation.


Auction: Andy Nollman gave $20.00 in place of an auction item  Roz Etra also auctioned 3 boxes of golf balls!  Mike Matera was the high bidder at $20.00!

LotteryBill ChampagneJim Daly and Bob Reed (twice) drew cards to no avail!

Program: Andy Nollman addressed the club with some updates.  He has appointed Mike Cooney as the club’s “Media Czar” to get more exposure for our club and try to generate new members for the upcoming year.  Mike has expertise in social and digital media that can be most valuable to helping us meet our membership goals.  Some idea’s from member’s included doing thing such as Facebook Live and some segments with members on “What Rotary means to them.”  Members would be encouraged to “Share” any Rotary postings on Facebook and other media to spread the word.  Andy encouraged members to invite prospective members to our weekly lunch meetings.  An appeal can be made at the Golf Tournament in September.  Classifications in the banking and education fields have openings that can be areas of growth.  Andy said that the club must add members to give President-Elect Susy Hurlbert a strong foundation to begin her year when she steps in as President in July 2022.

At 12:57pm Mike Matera led the club members in the 4 Way Test and the meeting was adjourned.



Respectfully submitted,

Bob Reed – RONE Reporter