Rotary Club of Norwich
October 20, 2021
Location-Belle Fiore
Presiding: President Andrew Nollman
Invocation: Barry Shead
Fellowship: Nancy Gentes noted the great energy in the room on a beautiful October day with temperatures in the 70’s, then proceeded to humor guests with a series of one liners.
Birthdays: None
Anniversaries: October 25, Mike Cooney and Charles Seeman both celebrated 8 years.
Guests: Molly Bruno, eXp Realty, and Mike Cooney’s jolly, energetic kids who had the day off from school, for whom we sang the Welcome song.
President Andrew Nollman had the following announcements:
- Coat project is underway. Rodney doesn’t think there will be an organized coat packing day due to the uncertainty of when coats are coming in.
- No show gala is underway with $2500 collected so far.
- Liberty Bank is doing a Thanksgiving Turkey drive and will match Rotarian offerings by 25%.
- Rotary membership drive. Bring someone to a meeting.
- Contact Bob Farwell or Kevin Wickless for speaker information
Happy Dollars:
Jen: kicked off with appreciation for the beautiful fall weather.
Mike Cooney doted on his kids and their weekly adventures.
Katie Cooney shown below told guests about her school popcorn drive.
Bill Described a political journey that has landed him solidly as an independent and proud of it!
Andy. Remarked on how his dad’s friend looked amazingly young at 82, despite his wide-part hairdo.
Gary, among other things, gave kudo’s to Bob Farwell on a great book sale.
Erin announced her new position as the new Treasurer for the Town of Preston
Barry as a fellow Town Treasurer, congratulated Erin on her new position, noting that both are former bankers.
Susy welcomed guest Molly Bruno, and noted that October is domestic violence awareness month, encouraging fellow Rotarians to donate to the cause.
Stan congratulated Kevin Wickless on his recent nuptials and well-matched newly blended family.
Andrew went to a Pats game and had a great time, despite the score being a total and complete disappointment.
Auction: none
Lottery: No lottery winners
Respectfully submitted, Susy Hurlbert – RONE Reporter