Norwich Rotary Club

The Rone for the November 17th Meeting!

Rotary Club of Norwich

November 17, 2021

Location-Belle Fiore



Presiding:    President Andrew Nollman

Invocation:  Garry Young

Fellowship:  Susy Hurlbert gave a synopsis of the Power of Moments Book and recapped some of Simone Biles quotes from the Realtors Conference in San Diego, including “ You are more than the work you do”.

Birthdays:  None

Anniversaries: None.

Guests:  Jim Daly brought Stacey Gould from the Sunrise club. Mary Richardson brough April Griffin from the Norwich Housing Authority, and Cindy Jordan from Habitat for Humanity was our guest speaker, all for whom we sang the Welcome song.


President Andrew Nollman had the following announcements:

  • No show gala is going well.
  • The Thanksgiving Turkey drive allowed Norwich Rotarians to present 48 $40 gift cards to April Griffon, on behalf of Swartz Manor. Liberty Bank matched Rotarian offerings by 25%.
  • The Madonna Place Trivia was held last week. Nancy Gentes participated on her daughter’s team.
  • The Sunshine Committee will reach out to Larry Fowler.
  • Rotary membership drive. Bring someone to a meeting.
  • Contact Bob Farwell or Kevin Wickless for speaker information

Happy Dollars:

Rodney: kicked off happy dollars with an extensive update on inflationary wholesale food prices.

Andrew was happy that the price of his favorite booze at the border has only gone up by $3.

Susy was happy that her daughter, Lindsy, was able to accompany her on the Realtors trip to San Diego.

Jim was happy to give a $5,000k check to the Sunshine Rotary from the Golf Tournament!

Mary welcomed guests, and is seeking Attendance Committee Volunteers


Auction: Susy auctioned her Power of Moments Book to Andrew for $20.


Lottery:  No lottery winners

Respectfully submitted, Susy Hurlbert – RONE Reporter