Norwich Rotary Club

The Rone for the December 15th Meeting!

Rotary Club of Norwich

December 21, 2021

Location-Belle Fiore




Presiding:    President Andrew Nollman


Invocation:  Gary Young


Fellowship:  Ray Baribeault provided more of his signature humor, and I say that generously.


Birthdays:  None


Anniversaries: None.


Guests:  Molly Bruno, Avianna Lozano, and Madison Taricani.



President Andrew Nollman had the following announcements:

  • No show gala is nearing it’s goal of $4000 with 2 weeks left.
  • Andrew reminded everyone that next week is the last meeting of the year, and we’ll be doing a $10 Yankee Swap.
  • Contact Bob Farwell or Kevin Wickless for speaker information.
  • Molly was formally installed as a Rotarian Member.

Guest Speaker: Steve Caron from A & D Tree

Steve owns a tree service business, but he didn’t talk about trees.  Instead, he shared a few life lessons from customers he met along the way.

  1. Having anger at anyone is like drinking poison and hope the other one dies
  2. There’s no story lesser or greater than other, it’ just their story.
  3. It’s not about money, money is only a means to make a human connection.
  4. Affairs of the heart aren’t always easy and involve sacrifice.
  5. Don’t limit yourself with what you think you can’t do. You’ll be surprised at what you can do when called on.


Happy Dollars:

Andy: Welcomed Molly and did not ask her age.

Andrew welcomed Molly and claimed the title of best husband for honoring his wife’s birthday with a stay at Water’s Edge and spa treatment.


Susy welcomed Molly and expressed excitement over her new puppy.

Barry announced that the Arc is selling platters of cookies for $49.

Terry was happy that she is going to be a great grandma, but not happy about that implication.

Mike Matera was happy about a few things but this writer was not paying attention at the time, so apology requested.


Auction: None


Lottery:  No lottery winners


Respectfully submitted, Susy Hurlbert – RONE Reporter