Rotary Club of Norwich
December 21, 2021
Location-Belle Fiore
Presiding: President Andrew Nollman
Invocation: Gary Young
Fellowship: Ray Baribeault provided more of his signature humor, and I say that generously.
Birthdays: None
Anniversaries: None.
Guests: Molly Bruno, Avianna Lozano, and Madison Taricani.
President Andrew Nollman had the following announcements:
- No show gala is nearing it’s goal of $4000 with 2 weeks left.
- Andrew reminded everyone that next week is the last meeting of the year, and we’ll be doing a $10 Yankee Swap.
- Contact Bob Farwell or Kevin Wickless for speaker information.
- Molly was formally installed as a Rotarian Member.
Guest Speaker: Steve Caron from A & D Tree
Steve owns a tree service business, but he didn’t talk about trees. Instead, he shared a few life lessons from customers he met along the way.
- Having anger at anyone is like drinking poison and hope the other one dies
- There’s no story lesser or greater than other, it’ just their story.
- It’s not about money, money is only a means to make a human connection.
- Affairs of the heart aren’t always easy and involve sacrifice.
- Don’t limit yourself with what you think you can’t do. You’ll be surprised at what you can do when called on.
Happy Dollars:
Andy: Welcomed Molly and did not ask her age.
Andrew welcomed Molly and claimed the title of best husband for honoring his wife’s birthday with a stay at Water’s Edge and spa treatment.
Susy welcomed Molly and expressed excitement over her new puppy.
Barry announced that the Arc is selling platters of cookies for $49.
Terry was happy that she is going to be a great grandma, but not happy about that implication.
Mike Matera was happy about a few things but this writer was not paying attention at the time, so apology requested.
Auction: None
Lottery: No lottery winners
Respectfully submitted, Susy Hurlbert – RONE Reporter