Norwich Rotary Club
January 5th, 2022
Location-Bella Fiore
Presiding: President Andy Nollman
Invocation: Rodney Green
Fellowship: Bob Farwell
Birthdays: Jim Daly – January 10th
Anniversaries: None
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: Congressman Joe Courtney and his aide Noah Carver
Bob gave a very interesting fellowship. The Norwich Department of Public Works dropped off a box of Norwich City Council Meeting Minutes, some dating back to the middle 1800’s. Bob picked the post-Civil War year of 1868 and read some interesting lines from the meeting minutes. As of January 1st of that year the police department had 11 officers. Everything from breach of peace figures, stores found open during the middle of the night, as well as people bathing naked in the Yantic River were reported and many ended up as “guests” in the City Jailhouse. And all the fun wasn’t restricted to the males! A good number of females were included in the figures for arrests and jail guests!
*Andy Nollman had the following announcements:
*A thank you note was circulated around the club from another happy school from receiving dictionaries.
*The No-Show Gala wrapped up at the end of December and President Andrew noted that it was still $180.00 short of the goal. He threw in $100.00 of his 2nd place Fantasy Football winnings to help reach the $5,000.00 goal and encouraged others to do the same.
*The weather policy was emailed out to members. Members will be notified via email if the meeting will be cancelled at Bella Fiore on the Tuesday before a meeting by 5pm.
*Dues invoices will be mailed out later this week. Please remit your payment promptly.
*Jim Daly and Mary Richardson are working on the slate of Officers and Board Members for next Rotary year. If you wish to serve, please contact either of them.
*President Andrew asked Rotarians to please invite prospective members for lunch this coming New Year and introduce them to Rotary.
*This coming New Year the club will be looking for speakers. Should you know of an appropriate guest speaker contact Bob Farwell or Kevin Wickless available dates.
Program: President Andrew Nollman introduced Connecticut 2nd Congressional District Congressman Joe Courtney (D). Congressman Courtney gave a quick rundown of things in the Rescue Plan that benefited the Norwich area as well as what to look for in the 1.7 Trillion Infrastructure Bill that he hopes will get passed soon and what benefits we should see in the state with roads, trains and bridges being upgraded, replaced or repaired. Just a couple things we should look forward to seeing improved in the Norwich area will be upgrades in water treatment, replacement of the bridge over the Yantic River and SEAT Bus upgrades. Joe then took a few questions and had to leave for another appointment at 12:45. Good chance he might return as he commented that our Rotary lunch was far superior than what he’s used to when visiting other organizations!
Happy Dollars: Nancy Gentes
*Nancy wished everyone a Happy New Year and wished Jim Daly a Happy Birthday!
*Rodney Green said he closed Olde Tymes for the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day to give his employees some time with their families and for he a Lucille to take a planned vacation to Paris for the holidays. Unfortunately that trip had to be cancelled due to the travel restrictions relating to Covid, so they decided on Mexico. That too had to be cancelled! Last minute they drove to Disneyworld to be with their grandson, who came down with Covid while there, so they drove all the way back to Connecticut!
*Susy Hurlbert gave $20.00 to help close the gap for the No Show Gala and challenged others to do so as well. She welcomed Congressman Courtney, wished Jim Daly a Happy Birthday and said she Zoomed during the holidays with family members from across the globe!
*Andy Nollman wished a Happy New Year to all and was thankful that last year his business did very well. He added that his wife Lona spent time with her family while he enjoyed being in Foxboro watching the New England Patriots!
*Bill Champagne pledged $20.00 to the No Show Gala to help bridge the shortfall! He also said there needs to be a better microphone for the Zoomers as he did not hear much of what our guest speaker said. He will be Zooming until the pandemic eases as his wife has a compromised immune system and wants to her to stay safe.
*Jeff Bruning spent the holidays skiing and his son came down with Covid and they cut the vacation short. Then his wife came down with Covid and Jeff ended up sleeping in his sailboat that is dry docked in his yard until his wife and son recovered!
*Molly Bruno gave $20.00 for the No Show Gala and said she had good holidays as her boyfriend’s family stayed away because they were not vaccinated!
*Lottie Scott tried to say something via Zoom, however we couldn’t hear her as there was some technical challenges to overcome.
*Barry Shead said he had an intestinal bug over the holidays. Barry was concerned that it might be Covid related. He learned later that Stop & Shop contacted him that some lettuce he purchased was contaminated and that’s what most likely made him sick! Barry also gave $20.00 to help reach the No Show Gala goal!
Auction: Rodney Green auctioned off a pie from Olde Tymes! Some spirited bidding took place with Susy Hurlbert taking the pie for $20.00!
Lottery: Kathryn Tracy: Bob Reed drew the winning Ace of Spades on the first try! He donated the pot to bridge the gap for the No Show Gala!
At 1pm Andy Nollman adjourned the meeting and Jim Daly (Birthday Boy!) lead the club with the 4-Way Test!
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Reed – RONE Reporter