Norwich Rotary Club

THE RONE for January 26th, 2022

Rotary Club of Norwich
January 26, 2022
Location-Belle Fiore

Presiding: President Andrew Nollman
Invocation: Rodney
Fellowship: Bob Farwell, commented on cold temperatures and heating situation in Ukraine, prompting a recital of Robert Frost’s Fire and Ice.
Birthdays: None
Anniversaries: Bob Farwell 15 years
Guests: None
President Andrew Nollman had the following announcements:
*Andrew reminded everyone to continue to mask up.
*April 9th is our Day of Service, Sunrise, RCC and our Club
will doing a Habitat Build around 8:00 am – 2:30 pm.
*Cigar Fundraiser event is May 4th from 6-8 pm for Belle
Fiore, sign ups available after this meeting. Dinner, silent
auction, drinks and cigars.
*District Rotary Conference is coming up at the Mystic
Marriott in Groton on April 23 (9 am – 9 pm) and April 24
(9am – Noon). Andrew, Susy and Molly will be attending.

Guest Speaker: None
Andrew talked about Rotary Direct is Rotary’s contribution
into the annual fund. When we go for district or global
grants, the dollars will come back with interest. Funds go to
Paul Harris Society. Jim Daly gives $75/month to Rotary
Direct. Andrew does $25/quarter. You need your Rotary number, which can be found on your Rotary magazine. Click here for the Form to sign up for Rotary Direct.
Happy Dollars:
Nancy was grateful for the cold weather shelters open to those who need it.
Jim Daly: Has a new Grandchild, he will be called Big Pappy
Andrew: Mentioned 4 great football games this past weekend. Chief and Rams are his prediction
for Super Bowl.
Susy Happy that Best Buy sells Bissell shampoo cleaners, with no explanation why
Mike Cooney found his keys under the toaster because that’s where keys go. His daughter did a
ballet show on Saturday night, that resulted in an emergency visit.
Bill Champaign thanked Mike Gordon for getting him into Rotary 37 years ago, in recognition of
his anniversary last week.
Rodney bragged on his great granddaughter and is going to a world premier movie in Nashville, TN.
Auction: Teresa gave $20 in lieu of an auction item.
Lottery: No lottery winners

Respectfully submitted, Susy Hurlbert – RONE Reporter