- President Andy called the meeting to order at precisely 12:15.
- As a last-minute substitute, Gary Young provided another estimable Invocation.
- There were no Rotarian birthdays or anniversaries, but the club welcomed two guests, Alexis Kahn, a guest of Susy Hurlbut, and Melissa Guerrero, a guest of Molly Bruno. Barry Shead enumerated the many retail establishments that once served the area but have disappeared. They included Two Guys, Bradlees, W.T. Grants, Woolworths, Zayre, Caldors, and Ames. For good measure, Barry segued to absent airlines, including TWA and Allegeney. Missing from the list but worth recalling is the late lamented (?) Pilgrim Airlines.
- Supreme potentate and club role model president Andy reminded the club to don their masks except when eating and drinking. He thanked Susy for the “Owl” which provides much-improved coverage of club meetings. The club was reminded of the impending Habitat Build on April 12, and the May 4 whiskey and cigar fundraising event. Dues invoices have been mailed and members were encouraged to respond with alacrity. Other noteworthy events include the District meeting on April 23 at the putative Mystic Mariott in Groton, the 4 Way Test speech contest at Otis Library on March 26, and coming in March, a new meeting feature introduced by Terri Congdon, Rotary Trivia!
- Happy Dollars with Jen Granger! Jen recalled the demise of several noteworthy stores including Malleys and Macy’s, and local favorite Railroad Salvage. Mary Richardson welcomed our guests and added Howard Johnson’s to the list of long-gone establishments. President Andy recalled Howard Johnson’s with deep affection and reminisced about his experiences working at Strawberries. He also mused on the Superbowl and the hazards of driving home on an uncleared road following the game. Jim Daly added bon mots concerning his employment at Two Guys and Lums. Molly provided an introduction to Melissa Guerrero’s career, supplemented by Melissa’s comments, and reported that she, Molly is starting a Woman’s Realty Network. Mike Cooney reported on the start of Little League and a forthcoming Comedy Club fundraiser. Mike also reported on his adventures playing with their cat Shadow, his birthday, and his successful efforts to repair the coffee maker. Melissa added A.C. Pierson’s to the list of departed stores. Alexis thanked the club for their service to the community, and announced that Chelsea Groton Bank would become a corporate member! She also recalled a memorable stint as an intern at Brooks Pharmacy.
- Lottery- For reasons that are obscure but no doubt perfectly valid, your reporter forgot to note the details of the Lottery. Regrettably, except for the weekly cookie draw, there were no winners in the regular card pull. Ashes and sackcloth were much in evidence.
- Maureen Plumleigh of the New London Currach Rowers was our guest speaker. The club is the only currach rowing club in Connecticut. There are other currach rowing clubs in the United States, and as a membership, they form the North American Curragh Association (NACA). The club rows traditional Irish fishing boats. The curragh or currach (pronounced cur-ruck) is a type of boat with a wooden frame, over which animal skins or hides were stretched and tarred, but today canvas and black oil paint are used. The construction and design of the currach are unique to the west coasts of Ireland and Scotland. Our club members were invited to learn more at https://www.nlcurrachrowers.club/