Norwich Rotary Club
June 15th, 2022
Location-Bella Fiore
Presiding: President Andrew Nollman
Invocation: Terry Congdon
Fellowship: Bob Farwell
Birthdays: No Birthdays
Anniversaries: No Anniversaries
Visiting Rotarians: No visiting Rotarians
Guests: Ben Hong, Jill St.Clair & Emmallee Fritsche
In honor of the upcoming Father’s Day weekend Bob gave the story behind how Father’s Day became a holiday. In 1909 Sonora Smart Dodd was sitting in a pew with her father, William Smart, listening to a Mother’s Day sermon when the inequity of the celebration struck her. William Smart, who was a Confederate soldier before switching sides to the Union, raised his children alone after Dodd’s mother died during childbirth. He was, Dodd later recalled to the Spokane Daily Chronicle, “both father and mother to me and my brothers and sisters.” For the next 60 years Dodd would push for official recognition of Father’s Day. In 1957 U.S. Senator Margaret Chase Smith from Maine introduced a bill to create a federally proclaimed day writing: Either we honor both our parents, mother and father, or let us desist from honoring either one. But to single out just one of our two parents and omit the other is the most grievous insult imaginable. In 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation in the name of Father’s day, yet it wasn’t until 1972 that President Richard Nixon signed a Congressional resolution declaring the third Sunday in June to be a permanent national observance day. Dodd was still alive to see her determination and devotion to her father become a federal holiday.
*Andy Nollman had the following announcements:
*Erin Gizio’s father died and a sympathy card signed by members of the club will be sent to her.
*Thank you to Susy Hurlbert and her committee for hosting a superb Native Son lunch last week at the Holiday Inn. Over 80 people were in attendance and the event was a huge success.
*Thursday, June 16th there will be a Rotary Work Day at the Gemma Moran Food Center in New London from 1pm to 3pm. Members are welcome to come and help pack and sort food.
*Rotarians are encouraged to please invite prospective members for lunch and introduce them to the world of Rotary.
*The club will be looking for speakers. Should you know of an appropriate guest speaker contact Bob Farwell or Kevin Wickless.
*September 7th will be the date for the 2022 Annual Golf Tournament.
*Change of Command will be at the Noon meeting on June 29th. Mike Cooney will be the MC for the special meeting!
*The Rose Garden Lunch will take place on June 22nd. Rodney Green will supply a delicious lunch as always.
Happy Dollars: – Andy Grant
*Andy gave $20.00 to say he’s happy to be back in the area and is glad to see all his fellow Rotarians. He thanked Bob Farwell for his fellowship speech. Also, Pickle Ball is his new sport of choice!
*Bill Champagne said the “Peace Run” will be coming through Norwich on Thursday, June 16th at 11am. A ceremony will take place in the park next to Castle Church on Broadway. Bill has been involved with event for 20 years. He also has purchased a new electric Prius and is happy with it so far.
*Nancy Gentes praised Bob Farwell for the excellent fellowship on Father’s Day. She also reminded the club that there is a Fatherhood Program at Madonna Place that is great.
*Gary Young said his house is still for sale and welcomed Ben, Jill and Emmallee.
*Renee Pernell gave for all the father’s in the room and is happy to attend today’s meeting.
*Barry Shead welcomed our guests. He also said that Margaret Smith was the first woman to ever be nominated for President back in 1964. He also has “Pluck a Duck” raffle tickets for sale from the Putnam Business Association for sale. Part of the proceeds with benefit the ARC and 6 great prizes will be offered to the winning ducks!
*Molly Bruno via Zoom welcomed Jill and Emmallee and said she is packing for her vacation that starts the next day!
*Terry Congdon visited the Cape Verdean Chapel and the St. Theresa medal hanging there.
*Ben Hong was happy to be a guest at the club today and said he doesn’t get out much and he considers Rotary members as family. He also welcomed Jill and Emmallee.
*Jill St. Clair gave happy dollars in honor of her daughter Emmallee and was happy to have served as a Rotary Mom for the Student Exchange Program in the past.
*Andy Nollman welcomed Andy back. He also said he and his wife Lona had a great time celebrating their wedding anniversary camping at a really nice and quiet campground in Lebanon.
*Bonnie Johnson said her husband is in Florida and they are purchasing a rather large boat!
*Andy Nollman welcomed our newest Rotarians! He also said the past weekend was one of up’s and down’s.
No auction this week.
Weekly Rotary Trivia: Trivia will resume 1st week in July.
Lottery: – Kathleen Tracy
Renee Pernell drew to no avail. Renee then drew for Gary Young and wouldn’t you know she drew the Ace of Spades for him! Susy Hurlbert won the cookies!
Andrew Nollman introduced Emmallee Fritsche who was a Rotary Exchange Student and spent a year in Brazil, most of it during the outbreak of Covid. It was an amazing experience and she conveyed many stories of her great host families she stayed with and the wonderful friends she made along the way. She also became fluent Portuguese during her stay there. Emmallee also thanked and remembered Bonnie Hong for introducing her to Rotary when she was at NFA. Her influence is still felt to this day.
Mike Cooney led the club with the 4-Way Test and the meeting was adjourned at 1:10pm
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Reed – RONE Reporter