Norwich Rotary Club
August 24th, 2022
Location-Bella Fiore
Presiding: Former President Mary Richardson
Invocation: Terry Congdon
Fellowship: Nancy Gentes
Birthdays: Jay Waitte-August 25th
Anniversaries: Jeff Bruning – 8/28 – 3 Years
Visiting Rotarians: Sam Roudebush – Ledyard Rotary Club & Area Asst. Dist. Governor
Guests: Andy Grant introduced Pietro Camardella
Nancy’s fellowship was asking members what actors made some interesting and humorous lines from famous movies! Just a few were “Here’s looking at you kid!” – Humphrey Bogart/Casablanca. “We’re going to need a bigger boat!” – Roy Scheider/Jaws. “I’m the King of the World!” – Leonardo DiCaprio/Titanic. “You can’t handle the Truth!” – Jack Nicholson/A Few Good Men.
*Mary Richardson had the following announcements:
*The Celebrate Cultural Diversity Event will take place on September 19th from 5pm to 8pm. This Committee is led by Roz Etra, Carrie Czymanski, and Kathryn Tracey. Volunteers are needed. The Lottie B. Scott Award will be given out that evening as well.
*The Peace Pole rededication will be on September 21st, International Peace Day. The regular club meeting will take place on location. This should be a good meeting and lunch will be worked out soon.
*Rotarians are encouraged to please invite prospective members for lunch and introduce them to the world of Rotary.
*The club will be looking for speakers. Should you know of an appropriate guest speaker contact Bob Farwell or Kevin Wickless.
*September 7th will be the date for the 2022 Annual Golf Tournament. Register at 9am. Tee off at 10am. More golfers needed!!
*Mike Matera said there will be Amber Alert sign-ups at the Healthy Living Expo at Dodd Stadium from 10 to 2pm on September 17th. Also, the Amber Alert will be at the Celebrate Cultural Diversity event on September 19th. Volunteers are needed for both.
Happy Dollars: – Andy Grant
*Andy started things off welcoming Assistant District Governor Sam Roudebush to today’s meeting and that he won a few Pickleball matches earlier in the day!
*Mike Matera was at a Toy Show in Las Vegas last week and told all that if you are traveling by air to be sure to book your flights for early in the day so you won’t get cancelled. He’s also sorry to see boating season coming to a close.
*Renee Pernell was happy to see the rain so the grass will grow for her horses. Also, there will be a Gala to benefit the Fairview in Groton on October 7th at the Mystic Marriott.
*Barry Shead announced that over the past weekend his daughter got married to a really great fella who is extremely fortunate to be married to a wonderful girl! Barry was proud to walk his daughter down the aisle.
*Jeff Bruning was traveling last week for a utility conference and during some of the down time he went to Stowe, Vermont and hiked 5 mountain summits in 3 says.
*Jay Waitte gave $40.00 for the wonderful rendition of the “Happy Birthday” song earlier in the meeting. Jay also reported that his son Ethan has been hired by FedEx. He also reminded that his son also has a 100% kill ratio with the F-22! Jay will also be attending his 50th class reunion at the United States Air Force Academy in September. Air Force will also have a football match against Navy that weekend! Beat Navy!
*Mike Cooney said that his son Matt contracted Covid and 7 days later his daughter came down with the same thing!
*Sam Roudebush celebrated his 50th anniversary this summer of arriving at the US Coast Guard Academy. Over the weekend he shook at least 300 hands of the new arrivals to the Academy! He also was happy to attend the Keel Laying in New London of the Coast Guard Museum. Sam also invited everyone to the Ledyard Rotary Car Cruise that will take place on September 3rd from 10 to 2pm on the Ledyard Town Green. Also, he’s looking for every club in our area to nominate 4 young people for the RYLA Fall Conference October 28-30th. Applications must be received by the 3rd week of September. He also would like the 4 clubs in the northern part of our area, Norwich, Norwich Sunrise, Montville and Ledyard to possibly collaborate on some projects in the upcoming Rotary year. Maybe pool our resourses for the Rotary Day of Service.
Theresa Madonna was not in attendance today but will donating to the cause. Kathleen Tracey however had some great auction items of 3 books! The high bidder was Mike Matera for $10.00!
Weekly Rotary Trivia: Terry Congdon will ask questions next on September 7th! Read your Rotarian Magazine!
Lottery: – Bill Champagne
Renee Pernell , Mary Richardson & Sam Roudebush did not find the Ace of Spades! Jay Waitte and Kathleen Tracey won the cookies!
Our scheduled speaker failed to show up today, so Pietro Camardella stepped up and gave a little background on his life and that he’s running for State Senate currently. Pietro also looks forward to joining Rotary in the near future.
Mary Richardson led the Club and all recited the 4-Way Test and the meeting was adjourned at 1:05 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Reed – RONE Reporter