Former and future president Mary Richardson called the club to order at 12:15;
Invocation: Bonnie Johnson provided a well-received invocation;
Fellowship: Provided by Barry Shead. Birthday greetings were sent to Lottie Scott (11/09) and Rotarian Anniversary encomiums were lavished on Barry Shead and Ray Baribeault. Our guests included Sonia Fowler (Andy Grant) and Angenio Cherentant (sic) Fred Tyler and several other members of the El Shaddai Worship Center 156 North Main Street, Norwich (Kevin Wickless.) Barry recounted the career of Reggie Jackson including numerous anecdotes and accomplishments. (I am uncertain whether it was mentioned, but for a brief time, there was a Reggie! candy bar.)
Announcements: Mary reported that current president Susy and Andy Grant participated in the work party refurbishing the gazebo at the rose garden. Jim Daly summarized the club’s participation in the Madonna Place trivial pursuit contest: a creditable 7th out of 15 teams! Rodney reported that the coats are finished. Fewer requests than previously, which resulted in a surplus. The excess inventory may be distributed later. Jim Daly announced the golf tournament results; More gold sponsors than previously, and about $7,500 each will redound to the noontime and morning clubs. November 9 is the last day of the annual Thanksgiving challenge. A representative from Schwartz Manor will attend a future club meeting to receive the award. News Alert! There will not be a meeting on November 23!
Happy Dollars: With Nancy Gentes! Nancy was pleased to see Sonia and congratulated the trivial pursuit team on their performance. Bill Champagne praised the Thanksgiving challenge and was grateful for the end of the midterm elections. He also noted the closing on Gary Young’s house and the quality and civility of all the parties involved in the transaction. They were great! Andy Nollman had a great evening with friends was grateful for Tom Brady, and applauded Rodney for his work on the coat drive and the quality of his socks. Barry welcomed our guests, the ARC, and a forthcoming cruise to Mexico. Bonnie Johnson reported, sadly, on the death of a Colchester Rotarian. Fred Tyler was grateful for his new life in Norwich. Mary welcomed our guests and had an exceptionally hospitable reception at the DMV. She also commented on Jim Daly’s response to the “penguin question” at trivial pursuit night, and welcomed our guests. Jeff reported that his son finished 6th out of 300 runners in a recent race; huzzah! Gary has gone 3 months without a haircut and bears a striking resemblance to Stan Lucas! He was also very pleased to have the move completed. Mike C. described the Cub Scouts’ reverse trick-or-treat and the generosity of those who reciprocated.
The Lottery: With Bill Champagne!
Gary: No!
Rodney: Nay!
Anonymous Guest: Never!
Cookies: Sonya! and another anonymous guest!
Program: Fred Taylor and the pastor of the El Shaddai Worship Center described the work done to construct their new facility. They are seeking support for an HVAC system, elevator, and roof. About 75% of the construction is done, but there are large remaining expenses.
Without notes or visual aids, Barry concluded the meeting by leading the club in a flawless recitation of the 4 Way Test.