Norwich Rotary Club
May 31st, 2023
Location-Bella Fiore
Presiding: Susy Hurlbert
Invocation: Rodney Green
Fellowship: Ray Barbeault
Birthdays: None
Anniversaries: Jim Daly -17 years. Theresa Madonna-15 years & Jen Granger -15 years.
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: None
Ray one again delivered another round of puns that drew more laughs than groans to the delight of all who were in attendance. Just a couple were “Why don’t skeleton’s fight? Because they have no guts!” Bono and The Edge walked into a bar. The bartender said “Oh no! Not you 2 again!”
*Susy had the following announcements:
*There will be a cake at the June 21st meeting to wish Bob Farwell a happy retirement from the Otis Library!
*Golf Tournament will be September 6th this year! Only $150pp per golfer. One of the cheaper tournaments to take part in this season!
*The Native Son/Daughter Lunch will take place in June 7th and our club will be sponsoring the event along with the Norwich Woman’s City Club. This year bestselling author Wally Lamb will be honored. Register to attend on the Rotary website. 103 will be attending so far, but there are still a few seats left.
*Log on to our website and donate for the Rotary Clock that will be placed at Brown Park on Norwich Harbor.
*Rotarians are encouraged to please invite prospective members for lunch and introduce them to the world of Rotary.
*Speakers wanted for our meetings. If you have an idea for a good guest speaker contact Kevin Wickless or Bob Farwell to get one on the schedule.
Happy Dollars: – Nancy Gentes
*Nancy gave to give thanks for the wonderful weather we had over the holiday weekend
*Jim Daly said he had a great vacation in Florida and that he celebrated his 17th wedding anniversary!
*Andrew Nollman said he was looking forward to camping and celebrating his 18th anniversary. He hopes the pollen count will fall as it’s been hitting him hard this season!
*Mike Matera reminded the club that there will be a food drive on Friday at his store location from 10-2pm to benefit the Gemma Moran United Way Food Center. He hopes to get his boat in the water soon. He asked if anyone could recall the name of Tony Soprano’s boat. Stugots!
*Jeff Brining spent a nice week with family at Lake George and also skied Killington on Saturday. His boat is also still not in the water, but should be in soon as softball season is over for his kids!
*Mike Cooney said that his kids sports seasons are ending. His daughter played on a field where her grandfather once played on in 1949.
*Katherine Tracey said she did a ton of yard work over the past weekend!
*Barry Shead invited members to come play in the ARC Golf Tournament at the CT National Golf Course in Putnam on June 21st. Barry also just returned from a tour of all the National Parks out west and said that the Native Americans referred to themselves as “Indians.”
*Susy Hurlbert wished Jim Daly a happy anniversary and said she had fun paddle boarding off the beach in Rhode Island.
Auction: Mike Matera donated $20.00!
Monthly Rotary Trivia: Stay Tuned.
Lottery: – Bill Champagne
Susy Hurlbert, Bob Reed and Katherine Tracy did not fine the Ace of Spades. Jim Daly was the winner of Barry’s ARC Cookies!
Club Assembly. Katherine Tracey said the Cultural Diversity Committee has started meeting and more information will follow. Mary Richardson reported that the budget for next year is almost finished and she intends to set aside seed money for mini service projects. Susy Hurlbert reported that the Rotary Clock Project intends to move forward seeing that the project has been approved by the City of Norwich. The timeline for completion will depend on how fast the money is raised. Bill Champagne said the Race Equity Committee is making plans for fall programs.
President Susy led the club with the 4-Way Test and the meeting was adjourned 12:47pm