Reporters: Sandy Brindamour, Joel Etra, Keith Fontaine, Jackie Kimsey,
Cal Lord, Anne Masterson, Chuck Seeman
Reporting this week — Chuck Seeman
Presiding: Bob Reed
Invocation: Jerry Lowney
Maria Miranda: Maria shared with us the “Garden for life”.
Visiting Rotarians:
None this week
Rotarians with Guests:
Denny Gibbs introduced Margot Gibbs and Peg Stanley
Don Amaro 3/28; Paul Nicoloro 4/1; Al Sholes 4/3
Felix Trommer 12 years on 3/29.
Jacquie Pfeifer is looking for volunteers to help out with Healthy Kids Day which will be held at the YMCA on April 7th from 10 to 2.
Matt Isenburg auctioned an Irish blanket for Ivan Martin. Don Amaro was the high bidder.
conducted by Jerry Lowney
Jerry L. wished Don a Happy Birthday and welcomed Bill and Peg Stanley and Margot Gibbs. Elsie was looking for volunteers to tutor people in English for Literacy Volunteers. Mike Gordon advised us all to see the play at the Spirit of Broadway Theatre. Brett then indicated tickets were selling fast. Jay’s son is doing well at pilot training. Sandy apologized for not having the Rone out earlier but her computer had a virus and her car a flat tire. Mike Goldblatt told us how well his hockey team, the Icebreakers, did at a NJ tournament and his son Matthew plays hockey and lacrosse at Assumption College. Ted P. thanked Elsie for marking him present and told us two of his kids did extremely well on testing (SAT). Cal’s “baby” turned 7 and his church has raised $5,000 for an ad book in recognition of their 200th anniversary. Lou is going to St. Louis for the Women’s Final 4, and he entertained us with a “story.”
NEW LOTTERY: Conducted by Bill Champagne. Jim Dutton selected the ace and won the pot of money.
Denny Gibbs introduced Bill Stanley who spoke to us about a project he’d like Rotary to participate in. Bill told us about some Norwich history, much of which most of us were unaware of. Bill would like to have large plaques purchased and placed in front of locations which have historical significance locally, regionally and in some cases nationally. A map would also be created and used for tourism. Some of the historical information Bill mentioned included Samuel Huntington, Benedict Arnold, John Mason, and the Leffingwells. In addition to historical people, there are events of interest such as the Van Tassell fire, Norwich’s participation in the Revolutionary War and Norwich being the first city to retrieve its’ sons who died at Andersonville during the Civil War. A Rotary committee is being formed to help with this project.