Presiding: President Mike Cooney
Invocation: Barry Shead
Fellowship: Jim Konrad who gave us Independence Day facts – lots of hot dogs and fireworks!
Birthdays: Kyle and Jen
Rotary Anniversaries: none
Rotarians with Guests: none
Visiting Rotarians: none
- Please silence all cell phones
- Golf Tournament – Wednesday, September 4th – need volunteers and golfers.
- Please contact Mary Richardson or Kevin Wickless if you have a guest speaker.
- Mike is looking for hands-on service project ideas for the fall.
- The Happy Dollars Fund is available for needy recipients.
Happy Dollars: with Andy Grant who gave for three of his four daughters being here.
Jen gave a $2 bill for her birthday. She and her book club friends spent time in Rhode Island where they read “The Lost Girls of Paris” by Pam Jenoff.
Mike and Joan Gordon were together with Stan Lucas and Alan Sholes on a riverboat trip which stopped in Russia as it cruised along the coastline. Alan lost his way when he sat out a garden tour, but managed to get a ride back to the boat. Mike told members how Tsars were able to obtain divorces years ago.
Rodney gave a venting dollar for the difficulty he had with Rose Arts organizers and the lack of volunteers he needed for the Rotary Pancake Breakfast.
Bill Champagne celebrated his 48th wedding anniversary on the night of the Change of Command and was at Chautauqua the next week. He said that the theme of that week was “Moments that Changed the World.” Chautauqua has opened an African Heritage House on-site and is providing daily presentations on race relations.
Mike Cooney gave for taking Matt to a real baseball game and for Katie’s ice cream issues.
Auction: We need a new chair
Lottery: with Paul. John Mancini, Tom Adams, and Lottie didn’t have any luck.
Samuel Browning, attorney and Norwich alderman, made a presentation on his research into the deaths of both painter Ellis Ruley and his son-in-law, Douglas Harris. “Both deaths have long been considered to be suspicious in nature.” Attorney Browning holds a master’s degree in forensic science from the University of New Haven and in history from Trinity College as well.
Norwich Bulletin story on Browning’s research
Following the presentation, club members discussed ways to improve volunteer commitments and communication with Rose Arts and any other events which the Club decides to participate in. Members also discussed ways to offer apologies to Rodney.
Barry closed the meeting with the Four-Way Test.