Norwich Rotary Club
January 12, 2022
Location-Bella Fiore
Presiding: President Andy Nollman
Invocation: Gary Young
Lord-Some call you the “Ancient of Days”
You’re the one who is perfect in all ways
You’re always with us-continue to amaze
You are the one who deserves all our praise
You’re with us when we head off to work
In our car when we get behind some jerk
You give us patience when we need it most
When we drop our phone or burn the toast
You teach us how to show others we care
To be truthful, beneficial and always fair
To stand up for what’s right and to never be still
With the goal of always building good will
So let’s take a minute to pray for our nation
For those in charge regardless of station
Everyday keep praying and don’t ever cease
And we’ll find a life full of joy and peace
Now let’s give thanks for the usual stuff
For the food and the fellowship-always more than enough
And until we get together again
Let’s praise the Lord and say Amen!
Fellowship: Bob Farwell
Birthdays: Gary Young – 1/12, Andrew Nollman – 1/15 and Stan Lucas -1/17
Anniversaries: Bob Reed – 31 Years on 1/16
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: No Guests
Bob gave a fellowship stating that some things never change throughout time! He read some more excerpts from the City Council papers from 1868. Lorenzo Blackstone, Mayor of Norwich, stated in what was the then equivalent to today’s “State of the City” address, that there were many complaints about the taxes in the city. Mayor Blackstone also stated that there has been much growth and progress in the city since the end of the Civil War. Mayor Blackstone also pointed out that most of the legislators that represented Norwich lived outside the city limits.
*Andy Nollman had the following announcements:
*Andy reminded that the Covid protocols are in effect for our meetings and masks should be worn when not eating or when one comes forward for Happy Dollars and the Lottery.
*The No-Show Gala has reached the goal and Andy thanked Susy Hurlbert for challenging members to close the short fall gap. There’s now even a surplus to put toward next year!
*Jim Daly is working on the slate of Board Members for the next Rotary year. If you wish to serve, please contact him.
*President Andrew asked Rotarians to please invite prospective members for lunch and introduce them to Rotary.
*The club will be looking for speakers. Should you know of an appropriate guest speaker contact Bob Farwell or Kevin Wickless.
*Saturday April 9th will be the “District Day of Service” and a project is in the works for the club to do from 8am to 11am that morning with a lunch to follow.
*Wednesday May 4th the club will host a “Whisky Event” at Bella Fiore at 6pm. Tickets will be $75.00 and the sponsor will be Franklin Wine and Spirits. Dinner, Whisky and Cigars as well as an auction will take place. Stay tuned for further details. Put the date on your calendars now!
*September 7th will be the date for the 2022 Annual Golf Tournament.
*Andy thanked Molly Bruno and Mike Cooney for their assisting with the ZOOM portion of the meeting.
Happy Dollars: Nancy Gentes
*Nancy said she is looking forward to this weekend as the NFL Wildcard games will be played!
*Jim Daly wished Gary Young, Andy Nollman and Stan Lucas a Happy Birthday!
*Gary Young wished Stan Lucas a Happy Birthday and said Stan was the member who sponsored him into the club. He also pledged $75.00 to the Golf Tournament in honor of his own birthday!
*Andy Nollman gave $10.00 to wish the Patriots luck for their Wildcard Game in Buffalo this Saturday. It’s going to be really cold for the game. He said he still did not know if there are any special plans to celebrate his birthday this weekend. His wife Lona got a Christmas gift of a security camera for the back yard so they might get a look at some of the wildlife that may go across the yard. For a couple weeks nothing appeared, but finally a family of 5 deer was caught on camera!
*Susy Hurlbert gave to inform that her puppy has doubled in size over the past couple weeks! The puppy is a lot of work, but well worth it! Also, ECAR has purchased a new building in Norwich that will eventually become their new headquarters.
Auction: Susy Hurlbert donated $20.00 for the auction.
Lottery: Kathryn Tracy: Susy Hurlbert, Rodney Green and Mary Richardson drew cards and no Ace of Spades was found!
Program: No Program today.
At 12:30pm Bonnie Johnson led the club with the 4-Way Test and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Reed – RONE Reporter