Norwich Rotary Club

It’s THE RONE for January 19th Meeting!

Norwich Rotary Club

January 19, 2022

Location-Bella Fiore


Presiding:  President Andy Nollman

InvocationGary Young

Just when you think everything is going to heck

And your life seems like one big shipwreck

Don’t trust your computer or any high tech

Just call on the Lord and He’ll hug your neck


It’s amazing what we put our trust in these days

We believe fake news and what the government says

We trust kings and princes, men and horses

Our bank account, our jobs and our college courses


But I’m here to tell you there’s a better path

Filled with love and forgiveness instead of hate and wrath

Y’all know this road I’m talkin’ about

The one where there is no worry or doubt


And to call on the Lord-No need for a cell phone

Just get on your knees and trust Him alone


Now lets give thanks for the usual stuff

For the food and the fellowship always more than enough

And until we get together again

Let’s praise the Lord and say AMEN!

Fellowship: Bob Farwell

Birthdays:  Ray Baribeault – January 21st

Anniversaries: Bill Champagne –37 years on January 22nd & Tom Adams-20 years on January 24th

Visiting Rotarians: None

Guests:  No Guests

Bob gave a fellowship via zoom that was a little difficult to hear due to some technical reverb issues but the basic gist of his presentation was on the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 that covered the Treaty of Versailles and the many uninvited countries that showed up to represent their countries.  Many of the uninvited attendees were from countries that ended up being gobbled up by Russia.


*Andy Nollman had the following announcements:

*Andy reminded that the Covid protocols are in effect for our meetings and masks should be worn when not eating or when one comes forward for Happy Dollars and the Lottery.

*Jim Daly and Mary Richardson are working on the slate of Board Members for the next Rotary year.  If you wish to serve, please contact them.

*President Andrew asked Rotarians to please invite prospective members for lunch and introduce them to Rotary.

*The club will be looking for speakers. Should you know of an appropriate guest speaker contact Bob Farwell or Kevin Wickless.

*Saturday April 9th will be the “District Day of Service” and a project is in the works for the club to do from 8am to 11am that morning with a lunch to follow.  Some sort of clean-up project will most likely happen.

*The 7980 District Assembly and Conference will take place on April 23rd at the Mystic Marriott in Groton.  The club will cover the cost for up to 4 members to attend.  Contact Andy Nollman before the March 15th deadline if you care to attend.

*Wednesday May 4th the club will host a “Whisky Event” at Bella Fiore at 6pm.  Tickets will be $75.00 and can be purchased via Eventbrite.  President Andy will inform the membership when that will be set up.  The sponsor will be Franklin Wine and Spirits.  Dinner, Whisky and Cigars as well as an auction will take place.  Stay tuned for further details.  Put the date on your calendars now!

*September 7th will be the date for the 2022 Annual Golf Tournament.

Happy Dollars: Nancy Gentes

*Nancy welcomed all to the meeting.

*Mike Matera was thankful nobody was injured during a fire at Surplus Unlimited in one of their trucks.  Thankfully the fire was extinguished quickly with not too much damage to the truck.

*Gary Young told that his brother, who is 3 years his senior, just moved from Tennessee to Florida.  After many years in the insurance business he has started a new career at 78 years old in real estate.  If you’re moving to Florida and looking to buy property look him up!

*Andy Nollman gave to say over the past weekend he had numerous birthday celebrations.  Unfortunately Andy did not celebrate win by the New England Patriots.  There’s always next year!

*Susy Hurlbert was happy to report that she just got a new car.  She was not as happy to report that her new puppy Sasha christened the new vehicle with throwing up all over the back seat!  She wasn’t really all that mad however!  Who could stay mad a Sasha!

*Barry Shead reported that he had been sick with a respiratory infection.  He was relieved it was not Covid!  He’s feeling better now!

*Mike Cooney said he did have Covid over the holidays and although he did not feel too ill it was no fun.  He quarantined and binge watched some British TV shows to pass the time!  His wife and kids eventually contracted Covid too.  Mike also told of getting his key to his car wet and it would not work correctly.  He searched high and low throughout his house for a spare and could not find one.  He did say his house got really clean in the process!  The old key eventually started working one it dried out thankfully!

*Mary Richardson suggested to Mike Cooney that he should have buried his key in a bag of rice to dry it out!

*Jen Granger via zoom made some comments, but this reporter us unable to make out what she said due to sound issues.


Auction: Stan Lucas had this week’s auction but was not in attendance.  A $20.00 donation should follow.

LotteryKathryn Tracy:  Susy Hurlbert, Gary Young and Barry Shead drew cards and no Ace of Spades was found!  Jim Daly was the winner of the excellent cookies from ARC.  He shared promptly with everyone!

Program:  President Andrew shared comments for RI President Shekhar Mehta January Newsletter to members.

 At 12:50pm Terrie Congdon led the club with the 4-Way Test and the meeting was adjourned.





Respectfully submitted,

Bob Reed – RONE Reporter