Norwich Rotary Club

It’s the RONE for January 25, 2023!

Former and future president Mary called the meeting to order at 12:15.

Invocation-Barry Shead, as always, rose to the occasion.

Fellowship- with Ray Baribeault! A cavalcade of birthdays for the month of January: Jim Daly (1/10) Gary Young (1/12) Andy Nollman (1/15) Stan Lucas (1/17) and Ray Baribeault (1/21). Myriad anniversaries were acknowledged: Bob Reed (32 years), Tom Adams (20 years) Bob Farwell (15 years). Bill Champagne introduced his guest, Jackie Quercia. Ray proceeded to entertain those assembled with a variety of puns, which as always, were well received, eliciting minimal groans.

Announcements- with Mary Richardson! Mike Cooney is making improvements to the web site; the Service Person of the Month will be honored on March 15; Whiskey, Wine and Cigars fundraiser is scheduled for May 3; June 7 is the Native Son and Daughter event; Bowling fundraiser-a joint effort-on August 13 and the Golf Tournament on September 6. Mike Matera is working on a Corporate Membership for Backus Hospital.

Happy Dollars-with Nancy Gentes! Nancy allowed that she was happy for January sports; Bill Champagne reminisced about his early days in Rotary, sharing memories from a venerable catalogue. Among the highlights: He remarked on the attire, (jackets and ties, and an all male membership)  the preponderance of male members (85 men vs. 18 woman)  twenty years ago, and the novelty of email, which were largely Stan Lucas displayed two finely designed rocking horses; Mike Matera observed that 20 years ago he was one of those subscribers and celebrated his son’s championship indoor soccer season. Gary Young was happy to see Lottie and thanked Barry for providing the invocation. Rodney noted that there were 20 members in attendance, and thanked Stan for something which my execrable handwriting prevents me from sharing! Andy Nollman just returned from Florida and was thankful for the Patriots new Offensive Coordinator.  Jim Daly thanked Stan for sponsoring him, as was Mary Richardson. Mary also likes the mild weather but fears February could be snowy.

Lottery-Despite rampant pre-drawing optimism, the lottery failed to produce a winner. Lottie and Rodney x 2 efforts proved bootless. The pall lifted when Jim Daly won the weekly cookie raffle. Huzzah! Wisely choosing to end the meeting on a high note, club members rendered a creditable interpretation of the 4-Way Test.