Norwich Rotary Club
February 1st, 2023
Location-Bella Fiore
Presiding: Susy Hurlbert
Invocation: Gary Young
Fellowship: Bob Farwell
Birthdays: No Birthdays.
Anniversaries: Stan Lucas-February 1st 45 years!
Visiting Rotarians: None.
Guests: None
Bob gave a very interesting fellowship to kick off Black History Month. In 1776, Connecticut-and the Continental Congress, which initiated the first census request, was interested in knowing the number of men available to serve in the military. It sought to distinguish people “under the age of twenty years from those above that age…. Also, those in the militia, and able bodied men who do not belong to the militia, also those who are now in actual service.” Fighting the Revolution, and supplying the revolutionaries, inflicted a heavy toll on both people and resources. By 1781 the people in Connecticut and other northern states had come to feel they were being taxed unfairly to support the war effort. The problem was the Continental Congress requisitioned taxes, men and supplies based on the number of white men in the state. Why, wondered both Connecticut and New York, weren’t states taxed based on the combined number of whites and blacks in their population, since enslaved men and freemen too, were capable of producing goods needed to support the war. That approach would have put a much larger share of the revolution’s tax burden on southern states with large slave populations. Even before the American Revolution was won, one could find in this disagreement over who should be counted the seeds of debate that over time lead to the United States Constitution’s infamous 3/5 clause (which counted enslaved African-Americans as 3/5 of a person for tax and voting purposes), and ultimately, the Civil War.
*Susy Hurlbert had the following announcements:
*Dues bills have been sent out. Please submit payment promptly.
*March 15th will be the “Serviceperson of the Month” program. Please make every effort to attend that meeting.
*March 28 will be the Rotary Business Lunch with the Greater Norwich Area Chamber of Commerce.
*May 3rd will be the Whiskey and Wine Event!
*May 20th will be a “Rotary Day of Service” and our club will be doing a joint project with other area clubs that day. It will most likely be packing meals this year. Stay tuned as more information will come.
*August 13 will be a Rotary Bowling event.
*Golf Tournament will be September 7th this year!
*The Native Son/Daughter Lunch will take place in June 7th and our club will be sponsoring the event along with the Norwich Woman’s City Club.
*The “No Show Gala” will be returning! Plan on donating so you can spend a wonderful evening at home and not showing up to a gala!
*Susy said she was hoping Kindness Gardens will be purchased by all the Norwich Schools. She’s still waiting for a response from the Superintendent’s office.
*Rotarians are encouraged to please invite prospective members for lunch and introduce them to the world of Rotary.
*President Susy read a Thank You note from United Community and Family Services and Sheltering Arms thanking the club for the $820.00 donation for the garden boxes. The residents of Sheltering Arms are getting much enjoyment and look forward to planting again this spring.
Happy Dollars: – Susy Hurlbert
*Susy started things saying she was happy to see Joel Etra and Kathleen Stauffer at today’s meeting. She also had a great vacation last week in St. Maarten.
*Jim Daly gave in honor of Tom Brady’s retirement and was happy to see 3 past presidents at today’s meeting.
*Roz Etra said she and Joel were happy to be in attendance and they went and voted in today’s election in Norwich. They also were happy to have spent time with their grandkids from New Jersey!
*Mike Cooney said is son’s Cub Scout Troop Pack 17 competed in the Pinewood Derby!
*Kathleen Stauffer said she was happy to be back and see everyone!
*Tom Adams also said he was happy to be back after a long absence and was happy to see everyone again.
*Alexis Kahn said she ran into former Norwich Rotarian Keith Caplet and he said to say hi to everyone.
*Nancy Johnson gave in honor of her being a Rotarian for 28 years, most of that time serving the Colchester Club.
Auction: No auction this week.
Monthly Rotary Trivia: Stay tuned.
Lottery: – Kathleen Tracy
Gary Young, Joel Etra and Jim Daly drew cards and did not find the allusive Ace of Spades! Only a few cards left!
Kathleen Stauffer gave the club a preview of her soon to be published book titled 11 Secrets to a Successful Non-Profit. The book should come out this spring and be available on Amazon.
Stan Lucas gave a brief presentation on the finer points of woodworking. He has learned recently how to make segmented bowls.
President Susy led the Club and all recited the 4-Way Test and the meeting was adjourned at 1:05pm
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Reed – RONE Reporter