Rotary Club of Norwich
July 7th, 2021
Location-The Courtyard Marriott
Presiding: President Andrew Nollman
Invocation: Rodney Green gave a very inspirational invocation to kick off Andrew’s year as President!
Fellowship: Ray Baribeault
Birthdays: None
Anniversaries: Nancy Gentes – 16 years
Visiting Rotarians: Terry & Bonnie from the Colchester Club
Guests: Molly Brunell
Ray started things off with some puns about the “4th of July” that were somewhat painful to listen to featuring “The fireworks were a blast” and “The fireworks sales were booming this year”….. so you get the picture! Ray then redeemed himself with some really good regular jokes! He finished off with some “On this Day” fun facts!
*Andy had the following announcements:
*The Club committees seem to be filled and working at the present time. Andy thanked all who stepped forward for serving.
*The Rotary Flag Project is moving forward and there will be a work party to be organized at the Rotary Flag Pole at Norwich Harbor.
*If you know of anyone who would be a good speaker at one of our Rotary Meetings contact Bob Farwell or Kevin Wickless. Speakers can be done virtual (ZOOM) as well if needed.
*Gary Young reminded us that the Rotary Golf Tournament will be on September 1st. Golfers, sponsors and volunteers are still needed. Silent Auction items still needed. Next Committee meeting will be Monday.
*Andy reminded members to please invite prospective members to a lunch.
*Andy also said the club will be looking for another meeting place as the Courtyard Marriott has increased the fee for the meeting room to an unacceptable lever for the club to afford.
Happy Dollars: Andy Grant
*Andy started things off with expecting saying that his daughter is a CPA at Price-Waterhouse in Boston and he was visiting over the weekend and found the housing prices were a lot higher than when he lived there when he was young. Back then $90.00 would get you a place!
*Gary Young welcomed our guests at the meeting. Gary said he is having another Yard Sale this Saturday from 10 to 4 and he’ll give 10% off anything to all Rotarians. His family has owned the house since the 1800’s and he has been there 45 years and it’s time to put it on the market. Gary also thanked Mike Matera for donating for the goody bags for the golf tournament.
*Barry Shead gave happy dollars thanking all that supported the ARC Golf Tournament. He also had happy dollars for his granddaughter who showed no fear during the fireworks show on the 4th! She’s only 1 year, 3 months old and a brave little girl! Barry also said when he bought his first house back in 1976 it only cost $24,900!
*Mary Richardson welcomed today’s guests and thanked Bob Reed for buying a goat for the Haitian Health Foundation in her honor.
*Jen Granger welcomed our guests and thanked Andy for stepping up to be president this year. She also had a good vacation and celebrated her birthday last week.
*Rodney Green gave to thank Andy and wish him well for this coming year. He will also be gone for the next couple weeks with his granddaughter touring colleges for her drama major. They plan on stopping to Columbia University, Yale and a few others. Hoping for Yale as if she’s accepted there the tuition will be free due to the gift from David Geffin covering all Drama Department tuition!
*Susy Hurlbert had a great week away on vacation to Lake Sunapee. She also rode her bike from her condo in Waterford to Seaside on the Long Island Sound shore.
*Bonnie from the Colchester Club announced she attended a number of weddings as of late.
Auction: Michelle Scott was not at the meeting so it is assumed she will be donating $20.00 to the effort.
Lottery: Susy Hurlbert, Gary Young and Mary Richardson drew cards and Mary Richardson drew the Ace of Spades! Congratulations Mary!!
Program: There was no scheduled program for today so President Andy led a discussion about ideas where the club might look into for meeting in the future. Several Rotarians volunteered their spaces. Susy Hurlbert said she will check with her Board at ECAR as they have a space that could accommodate us. Rodney Green said he has meeting space at Olde Tymes as well as Andy Grant from Ace Hardware. Jim Daly, Mary Richardson and Andy will be meeting with Harvey from Bella Fiore where we used to meet to see what the possibilities are there. Terry and Bonnie then gave the sad news that the Colchester Rotary Club had to dissolve due to the membership falling to just 5 members. They expressed interest in joining the Norwich Club and gave an accounting of all the activities the Colchester Club has done in recent years.
At 1:07pm Jim Daly led the club members in the 4 Way Test and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Reed – RONE Reporter