Norwich Rotary Club
May 10th, 2023
Location-Bella Fiore
Presiding: Mary Richardson
Invocation: Gary Young
Fellowship: Ray Barbeault
Birthdays: Joel Etra-5/10, Bob Farwell-5/11 & Kevin Wickless-5/14
Anniversaries: Alexis Kahn and Mandy Crispim – May 16th – 1 Year
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: None
Ray started things off with some puns that were related with Vincent van Gogh and then finished with one unrelated “I lost my job at Kodak. I’m now out of the picture!”
*Mary had the following announcements:
*May 20th will be a “Rotary Day of Service” and our club will be doing a joint project with other area clubs that day. Volunteers will be packing meal packages this year. Location is 3 Rivers Community College. More volunteers are needed!
*May 17th is the next Celebrate Diversity meeting. Contact Kathryn Tracy if you would like to take part.
*Bowling with the Ledyard Rotary Club will be Sunday, August 13th!
*Golf Tournament will be September 6th this year! Only $150pp per golfer. One of the cheaper tournaments to take part in this season!
*The Native Son/Daughter Lunch will take place in June 7th and our club will be sponsoring the event along with the Norwich Woman’s City Club. This year bestselling author Wally Lamb will be honored. Register to attend on the Rotary website. There are still a few seats left.
*Log on to our website and donate for the Rotary Clock that will be placed at Brown Park on Norwich Harbor.
*Rotarians are encouraged to please invite prospective members for lunch and introduce them to the world of Rotary.
*Speakers wanted for our meetings. If you have an idea for a good guest speaker contact Kevin Wickless or Bob Farwell to get one on the schedule.
Happy Dollars: – Rodney Green
*Rodney gave an update on the price of eggs! In February the price was $4.25 a dozen. 4 weeks later the price fell to $3.25. 3 weeks ago a dozen was $2.25 and today it was down to $1.15. He said that’s the price he pays from his supplier. It might take some more time for your local supermarket to catch up.
*Gary Young gave $10.00 as the check engine light came on in his car and he took it to Macara Vehicle Services to hopefully fix. He hoped Ray would keep doing Fellowship for the next 400 years as he does such a great job! At long last he and Romer are closing on their new home in Griswold on Friday. He wanted to move his old phone number he has had from Norwich but the phone company said no. They would have the calls forwarded to his cell phone however.
*Stan Lucas hiked Mount Washington this past weekend with his daughter Anna and their dog Stella. Stella ran back down the mountain and back to the parking lot with Stan in hot pursuit. Stan ended up hiking up the mountain twice!
*Ray Baribeault said that Jill Biden had skin surgery a few months ago which prompted him to get checked out with a blemish on his cheek. Surgery was successful and problem solved.
*Bill Champagne finally removed his mask as the Covid numbers have finally dropped to an acceptable rate. He also complimented Ray on his excellent Fellowship. Bill also took a poll on how many people still received a hard copy of the newspaper. About half in attendance raised their hand to Bill’s surprise. He like’s doing the Word Jumble!
*Barry Shead said his mom would have been 100 this Mother’s Day. He is also celebrating his wedding anniversary today! He thanked Andy Nollman for organizing such a great even last Wednesday with the whisky and cigars!
*Mike Cooney played in a charity golf tournament on Monday. He saw rabbit’s on the course with foxes not far behind! His daughter Katie will be celebrating a birthday on Sunday and her softball team will be invited to wish her a happy 8th!
*Andrew Nollman is looking for the NFL season schedule to be released later in the week so he and his family can choose which Patriots games they will attend. He thanked all who came and supported the whisky and cigar event last Wednesday. A good time was had by all and netted $2,700.00 to support our Rotary programs.
*Kevin Wickless thanked Andrew for running such a fun event. He is turning 50 this Sunday and he went to Charleston, SC to celebrate over the past weekend and took part in the Charleston Rotary Club’s Duck Race and helped them out. He was given a t-shirt as a memento of thanks!
*Alexis Kahn had a busy week chairing one of the town committee’s in North Stonington.
Auction: Stan Lucas auctioned off one of his famous hand-made rocking horses. Bob Reed was high bidder at $100.00
Monthly Rotary Trivia: Stay Tuned.
Lottery: – Bill Champagne
Barry Shead, Rodney Green and Ray Baribeault drew cards and the Ace of Spades stayed safe and sound. Bob Reed won Barry’s cookies from ARC!
Program: No program today!
Bonnie Johnson led the club with the 4-Way Test and the meeting was adjourned 12:38pm
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Reed – RONE Reporter