Norwich Rotary Club

It’s The RONE for Wednesday March 16th!

Norwich Rotary Club

March 16th, 2022

Location-Bella Fiore


Presiding:  President Andrew Nollman

InvocationRodney Green

FellowshipNancy Gentes

Birthdays:  Bob Reed – 3/15

Anniversaries: Andrew Nollman – 14 Years

Visiting Rotarians: None

Guests:  No Guests

Nancy gave a great fellowship in honor of St. Patrick’s Day with some very funny jokes that were very well received and an Irish Blessing to close!


*Andy Nollman had the following announcements:

 *Rotarians are encouraged to please invite prospective members for lunch and introduce them to the world of Rotary.

*The club will be looking for speakers. Should you know of an appropriate guest speaker contact Bob Farwell or Kevin Wickless.

*Saturday April 9th will be the “District Day of Service” and a project for Habitat for Humanity is scheduled along with the RCC and the Norwich Sunrise Club.  Work will by 8am to 11am.  Members must sign up and register with Habitat for Humanity.  Contact Suzy Hurlbert for further details.

*Terry Congdon will be conducting a “Rotary Trivia Game” beginning in March.  Be sure to read the Rotarian magazine as that’s where the answers to all the questions will be!  Questions will be asked the first Wednesday of each month!

*The 7980 District Assembly and Conference will take place on April 23rd at the Mystic Marriott in Groton.  The club will cover the cost for up to 4 members to attend.  Contact Andy Nollman before the March 15th deadline if you care to attend.

*Wednesday May 4th the club will host a “Whisky Event” at Bella Fiore at 6pm.  Tickets are $75.00 and can be purchased via Eventbrite.  The sponsor will be Franklin Wine and Spirits.  Dinner, Whisky and Cigars as well as an auction will take place.  Stay tuned for further details.  Put the date on your calendars now!  Tickets will go for this event so order now!

*The 4-Way Test Speech Event will be held on March 26th at 9am at the Otis Library.

*September 7th will be the date for the 2022 Annual Golf Tournament.

*Please pay your dues!!  If you did not receive an Invoice please contact President Andrew.

*To donate to the Rotary efforts to help Ukraine log onto

*Chelsea-Groton Bank will be inducted as Corporate Members next week!

Happy Dollars: Barry Shead standing in for Jen Granger

 *Barry gave Happy Dollars to introduce the New ARC of Eastern Connecticut Donation Station for your business to collect bottles and cans to support people with disabilities!  There are also donation stations throughout Eastern Connecticut to donate your bottles and cans!

*Bill Champagne thanked former Rotarian Jerry Silverstein and his wife Marion for remembering the Norwich Rotary Foundation in their will with a very generous $10,000 bequest.

*Bob Reed gave $70 Happy Dollars.  64 for his birthday and another 6 for the Men’s and Women’s UConn Huskie Basketball teams to do well in the March Madness Tournaments!

*Mary Richardson said spring is in the air because the frogs are starting to croak.  At least that’s what I thought I heard!

*Jay Waitte said he was talking with an old Air Force buddy who he flew with years ago who offered two tiockets to go fly and fight for Ukraine!

*Andrew Nollman welcomed Jay Waitte and Mike Matera to this week’s meeting.  He also said he and his wife attended the RV Show over the weekend and his wife like all of them and wanted to know which one Andy was going to buy for her!  Also, Andy had a happy dollar for the return of Tom Brady.

*Gary Young welcomed Rodney Green and thanked Jay Waitte for his sponsorship for this year’s golf tournament.  Gary also was happy to announce that the Burns Agency has signed on once again as the title sponsor!

*Rodney Green was away for a 3 week vacation in Aruba.  He had to cut it short by 1 week.  He said only about 50% of the people who are usually there at that time of year were there.  Also, there were no Canadians at all!  He also invited everyone to Olde Tymes for corned beef and cabbage!

*Suzy Hurlbert attended a conference in Atlanta and said the featured speaker was the daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr.  Very inspiring.

*Jen Granger gave $5.00 for last week and another $5.00 for arriving late due to a meeting going late and thanked Barry for covering Happy Dollars!

*Lottie Scott was happy to hear Susy’s comments.

Auction:  Barry Shead offered to pay for a seat for Lottie’s book reading in early May.  After some spirited bidding Nancy Gentes will be attending for $40.00 paid by Barry!

Monthly Rotary Trivia:  stay tuned for the next question on April 6th!

LotteryBarry Shead:  The first ticket drawn was Kathryn Tracy!  No luck!  The second ticket was Gary Young’s and he drew the winning Ace of Spades!  Gary also won the ARC cookies!  Hopefully Gary’s next stop was to go buy a Powerball Ticket and keep his luck going!

 Program:  Andrew Nollman said there was no scheduled program so he gave some very interesting facts about Ukraine and Rotary Club’s there.  He also encouraged members to log onto and learn more how one can help.

At 1:05pm Nancy Gentes led the club with the 4-Way Test and the meeting was adjourned.





Respectfully submitted,

Bob Reed – RONE Reporter