Norwich Rotary Club

Merry Christmas & Happy Chanukah!

Rotary Club of Norwich

December 18th, 2019



Presiding:    President Mike Cooney


InvocationGary Young gave an impromptu invocation that was great as always!


FellowshipNancy Gentes


Birthdays:   Chris Heller December 25th


Anniversaries: Chris Heller December 24th – 5 Years


Guests: Mike Cooney Introduced Aziza Kibibi Clayton, Jackie Gilliand and April from the Norwich Housing Authority


Guest Speaker – Christine Clark from Veterans Equine Therapeutic Services


Nancy Gentes gave an enlightening fellowship on 13 ways for a stress-free holiday and how not to let party planning give you a headache!  That was followed up with New Year resolutions that dogs might make.  Featured were staying away from skunks, whine less, bark more, wait to chase a stick before it’s thrown, have an affair with a street mutt, realize that cats are from Venus and dogs are from Mars and don’t wear your emotions on your tail!



President Mike Cooney had the following announcements:


*The District 7980 annual Conference will be in Mystic this coming year in April.  All are encouraged to attend.


*Mark your calendar!  Rotary Golf Tournament will be September 2nd!


*The 75th Norwich Rotary Anniversary booklet has been scanned to the Norwich Rotary webpage for all to view!


*Happy Dollars committee is looking for deserving families or individuals to support.


*If you know of anyone who would be a good speaker at one of our Rotary Meetings contact Mary Richardson.


*The new improved Norwich Rotary webpage is up and running at




Happy Dollars: Barry Shead


Barry gave happy dollars because for the first time in 6 years he will have his entire family, including 3 children, home for the holidays!  His daughter is in from LA and his son who serves in the military will be home too!  Barry also thanked Andrew Nollman for his service with the Greater Norwich area Chamber of Commerce and they enjoyed a nice breakfast that morning with the Chamber Ambassadors.


Jim Daly gave to wish everyone Happy Holidays!


Mike Gordon wished everyone the best of holidays.


Erin Gizio had a great time riding the Polar Express on the Essex Steam Train with 18 children.  The best part was they served cocktails for all the parents!


Mike Cooney welcomed the guests and our speaker.  He also said he had a great time with his son and daughter at the Annual Santa Run in Plainfield and the kids loved having their photos taken!


Stan Lucas gave happy dollars and a thumb’s up with no explanation.


Gary Young explained that Stan has just had his 12th throat surgery and is not supposed to talk for a bit while his throat heals!



AuctionStan Lucas offered to make one of his famous Rocking Horses!  Barry Shead was the high bidder at $100.00!


LotteryBarry Shead:  Suzy Hurlbert, Bob Reed, & Jim Daly drew cards to no avail!



Speaking Program:  Christina Clark co-founder of the Veterans Equine Therpeutic Services gave an interesting speech.  Veterans Equine Therapeutic Services (V.E.T.S.) provides equine-assisted programs to veterans with physical, cognitive and emotional challenges. Benefits that V.E.T.S. clients enjoy are an improvement in many aspects of life, from strength, flexibility, and balance to cognitive, behavioral and emotional well-being. A  501c3 non-profit organization in Southeastern Connecticut, V.E.T.S. mission is to provide healing therapeutic services to the veteran community through equine and educational engagement.

Mary Richardson led the club with the 4-Way Test.

President Mike Cooney ended the meeting at 1:15pm.




Respectfully submitted,

Bob Reed – RONE Reporter