Norwich Rotary Club
Change of Command Ceremony
June 28th, 2023
Location-Bella Fiore
Master of Ceremonies: Jim Daly
Invocation: Mandy Crispin
Fellowship: Jim Daly welcomed everyone to the Change of Command Ceremony Meeting. Before starting the formal part of the induction ceremony, Jim announced some Rotarian anniversaries. Susy Hurlbert was inducted 5 years ago on June 27th and Gary Young has been a member for 19 years on June 25th! Rotarian Jerry Lowney is also celebrating his 87th birthday today and Jen Granger is celebrating a birthday on Sunday July 2nd! Andy Grant introduced his guest Sonia Fowler who is his Business Manager and was happy to announce she will be joining the club very soon. Jim then called on Andy Grant to conduct Happy Dollars!
Happy Dollars: – Andy Grant
*Jim Daly thanked Susy for her successful year as President and wished Mary well for the upcoming year as incoming President.
*Andy welcomed Sonia and thanked Susy for her hard work over her year as President.
*Susy Hurlbert had happy dollars to wish Mary well for her Presidential year ahead of her. Susy also pointed out that she was wearing heeled shoes for the first time since her Pickle Ball injury! She is also thrilled that her son and his girlfriend are moving back to the area after living a few years in Asia.
*Andy Nollman gave for Susy and Mary. He also pointed hot the millions that are now being laid out by insurance companies for Pickle Ball injuries due to its growing popularity. Andy had an enjoyable weekend in Plymouth, MA visiting his relatives who own a home right on the beach.
*Kevin Wickless thanked Susy for a great year as President and wished Mary well for her upcoming year at the helm of the club.
*Mike Matera thanked Susy and Mary for their service to the club. He also welcomed Sonia to the meeting and wished Jen Granger a happy birthday!
*Nancy Gentes gave money for Susy and Mary and said she had a nice time that the recent “Relay for Life” where she walked and volunteered with other Rotarians from the area.
*Mary Richardson gave dollars for Susy’s year and said she is looking forward to working with EVERYONE this upcoming Rotary year! She also is looking forward to taking a 4 day weekend for the holiday!
*Stan Lucas congratulated Susy and Mary for their dedication to Rotary and making the club survive. He thought membership should be a number one priority this upcoming year.
*Jeff Brining thanked Susy and Mary for their efforts for Rotary. He’s happy that his daughter’s softball season has ended and they came in 2nd overall. Now he can use his sailboat at long last! He also is looking forward to the upcoming 4 day weekend.
Jim Daly continued the program by asking all Past President’s and Paul Harris Fellow’s to stand and be recognized. Incoming President Mary Richardson called Susy to the podium and presented her with a Paul Harris Fellow Award and a crystal vase with her name and Rotary year engraved on it. Standing ovation ensued. President Susy then said some parting remarks to the club. Susy started by stating how proud she feels to have been given the opportunity to serve as president this past Rotary year and it was both interesting and rewarding. She said that this past year the club and the fellowship has been her church and sanctuary. It was the one place she could go every week and wouldn’t be judged. It has and will continue to hold a special place in her life. She thanked a number of Rotarians that did significant things during her year and she was rewarding foundation points to those people to go towards Paul Harris Fellow points to the RI Foundation. She thanked Mary Richardson, Andrew Nollman, Kathryn Tracy, Gary Young, Bill Champagne, Ray Baribeault, Barry Shead, Nancy Gentes, Carrie Czymanski, Roz Etra, Rodney Green, Jen Granger, Mike Cooney and Bob Reed. Susy then wished Mary and her incoming Board a great year ahead.
Jim called on Andrew Nollman to do the honors of swearing in the new slate of 2023-2024 Officers and Board Members. Here are the new Officers and Board that were sworn in.
2023-2024 Officers:
President-Mary Richardson
President-Elect – Rodney Green
Vice President-
Treasurer-Kathryn Tracey
Secretary-Jennifer Granger
Immediate Past President-Susy Hurlbert
Board Members:
Erin Gizio
Bonnie Johnson
Nancy Gentes
Michael Matera
Alexis Kahn
Master of Ceremonies Jim Daly then called upon our new President Mary Richardson to say a few words. Mary started by presenting the 2023-24 Rotary International Banner with RI President R. Gordon McInally’s presidential theme “CREATE HOPE in the WORLD.” Mary said that it’s important for our members to restore hope and preform acts of kindness whenever possible. She wants to make the club more attractive to people and make it the place where everyone would want to be a part of. She wants to keep members engaged and do more service projects in the community. She promises there will be more to come and looks forward to working with everyone this year.
Master of Ceremonies Jim Daly then led the club with the 4-Way Test and the meeting was adjourned.