Photos: Joel Etra
Presiding: President Marie
Invocation: Larry
Fellowship: Barry who found a 1966 Norwich City Directory with interesting information about Rotarians, businesses and attractions of that time period.
Rotary Anniversaries:
Rotarians with Guests:
Visiting Rotarians:
Marie presented a Paul Harris Fellow award to Kathleen Stauffer.
New member posting:
The Board of Directors has tentatively approved Jay Ginsburg for membership. If any current Rotarian knows of a reason why the candidate should not become a member, an objection stating the reason must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors within fourteen (14) days of the date of this posting. E-mail to the President or Secretary may be used. If no objections are filed within that time, the candidate shall be considered elected to membership and a date for formal induction set.
Happy Dollars: with Kathleen who gave for Joel’s uncannily clever and artistic photography and for 10 secrets of happiness.
Other contributors included:
Bill Champagne for Walking Trails and for Regan being recognized as one of the “40 Under 40” this year.
Bob Farwell for the wonderful $3 million bequest from a generous benefactor to the Library.
Bob again with Mary for the Power of Purple walk.
Kyle for the offer on the house in Scotland being accepted.
Jay Waitte for his recovery from surgery and for his son who has just two more ranks to catch up with him.
Lottie for the bequest to Otis, for Rabbit Hole at the Chestnut Street Playhouse and for Good People at the NAC.
Chris Gauthier who is not a member anymore but will come often as a guest.
Chris Heller who has recovered from a health issue and for the Mets.
Nancy with her $20, for happiness secrets, for Otis and for Jay.
Mike Gordon for all who were sick or injured and for his grandson in Indiana who scored four goals in his last game of pipsqueak soccer.
Andy Nollman with his $20, for an annual meeting in Philadelphia, for the Patriots and for Kathleen.
Bonnie with her $20, for Kathleen and for all returnees, including herself, from health issues.
Larry for a car crash and for the loss of a second cousin who was like a nephew to him.
A stone owl from Mary Richardson was auctioned off to Bonnie for $50.
Lottery: with Kathleen.
No ace for…
Paul Bazinet, Vice President at the Norwich Police Athletic League and David Doyle, member of the PAL Board of Directors with his wife, Michelle, who spoke about youth sports, volunteerism in Norwich and current projects for PAL. Paul recognized the club’s past support such as for its batting cage project. PAL’s latest project is to increase the base paths from 60’ to 70’ so our kids will be better able to compete when they get to high school.
Marie closed our meeting with another inspirational quote:
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you make them feel.” Maya Angelou