In a matchless display of courage and prescience, the Noontime Rotary showed its mettle with its inaugural virtual meeting. Disregarding forbodings from the Flat Earth Society and jeremiads from several putative soothsayers predicting the end of society as we know it, esteemed president Mike fearlessly wielded his virtual gavel and called the cyber meeting to order:
Invocation-Gary Young, eloquent, as always!
Fellowship-Happy birthday Theresa! (Mercifully she was spared an off-key round of Happy Birthday to you.) Barry reminded us of the pivotal events faced by previous generations and the magnitude of those challenges: the Great Depression, the recent anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima to name only two and encouraged us to display “the right stuff.”
Happy Dollars-With a player to be named later. Despite the challenges of Social Distancing Happy Dollars elicited many generous contributions. Jim Daly’s visage was luminous as he described his encounter with double-yolked eggs. Despite coping with a congeries of domestic disasters, including a broken washer, a leaking shower, and a tractor that would not start Gary personified the adage “Keep Calm and Carry On.” Mary offered assistance for Gary’s mechanical challenges. Huzzah! Bob Reed complimented Gary’s invocation and Barry’s Fellowship epistle and contributed $20 for keeping the faith with first responders (so say my meager notes.) In as much as he was only available by audio, Bill Champagne provided a recent photograph in lieu of his normally animated visage. Bill observed that while the COVID-19 pandemic eliminated his access to tennis, which is one of his favorite diversions, there are more important matters to address and solve. Suzy recounted the trials faced by her daughter and other healthcare providers. El Supremo President Mike enjoys the time spent with his children and played a joke involving the Allman Brothers song Jessica. (Notes very sketchy here, but coming from Mike it had to be a pretty clever joke!)
Concluding the meeting, Mike referred to the work on the No Show Gala, donations can be made a Berkshire Bank and his wish to assist TVCCA. While there was no program, our audience was stunned by a video of a tuxedo-clad gentleman performing an excerpt from Figaro on a rubber chicken. Although not revealed at the time, this is deemed illegal in 23 states and territories. It was not clear if there were any metaphorical implications for the video.
In deference to Jim Daly’s yolk descriptions, he concluded the meeting by leading us in a vigorous rendition of the 4 Way Test.
So ends this day.