President Rodney called the meeting to order @ 12:16pm
Invocation- Barry Shead
Fellowship- Ray Baribeault. Ray brought the punny, as usual. No birthdays. Anniversaries- John Mancini- 7yrs & Jerry Lowney- 55 yrs. Guest: Mike Vaz, guest of Stan’s and Keith Caplet, guest of Mandy Crispim
Membership Minute- Stan Lucas. Stan says good work, great to see a full and energetic room and let’s keep it going
Happy Dollars- Mike Matera. Mike welcomed guests and went to friends cabin in VT
- Pat Marshall- Informed the Club longtime former Rotarian, Laura Hobart passed away this AM. Pat was glad to get to know Laura and happy that she and Bill C introduced her to Rotary
- Rodney Green- Brother in Law is in the hospital; doing better, but is still not out of the woods
- Bill Champagne- Also got call re: Laura Hobart. Previously sold her condo before moving into Norwichtown Rehab
- Mary Richardson- Accepting nominations for Native Son/Daughter
- Mike Cooney- Apologized for missing recent meetings. Illness has run thru the family, hoping they’re all on an uptrend
- Suzy Hurlbert- Loved Laura H and was welcome by her when 1st joined the Club. Announced Central Norwich, CT was named #10 on list of most desirable/budget friendly places to buy in USA! Go Norwich!
- Jeff Brining- Went snowmobiling w/ daughter over the weekend. 1st time on her own ride!
- Ray Baribeault- Thinking of Laura H, she will be missed. Told story of false alarm of broken glass at house
- Roz Etra- Thinking of Laura H and was able to visit Laura in Norwichtown Rehab. Still has girl scout cookies for those that want to order
- Barry Shead- Good to see Keith C. The ARC is happy to support the Rotary Clock tower. Thinking of Laura H
- Stan Lucas- Thinking of Laura H and happy to see Keith C
Auction- Bob Reed will bring $20 to his next meeting he attends
Lottery- Gary Y, Kathryn T and Bill C all pulled win no winner. Kathryn Tracey won the ARC cookies!
Speaker- Tish Rabe, author. This is Tish’s 2nd visit to the Club. She’s an accomplished author of children’s books and has sold over 11 MILLION children’s books! Lives in Mystic w/ her husband. Promoting a new Rotary Children’s book- “Kindness is Caring, Friendship is Sharing.” Tish is writing the book and Trumbull Rotary is taking the lead on this. Goal is to raise $50,000 to get book off the ground. Seeking additional sponsors, as approx. $19k is raised and needs to get to $50k by April 2025 to launch. Book is due to be out in April 2026. Contact Beth Stoller @ or for more info.
President Rodney closed the meeting @ 1:15pm with the Rotary 4 way test.
Respectfully submitted, Andrew Nollman