Norwich Rotary Club

The RONE for December 1, 2021!

President Andrew opened the meeting at 12:15 p.m.

The invocation was offered by Rodney and was well received.

Birthdays: Bill Champagne on December 3.

Rotarian Anniversaries: Joel, 27 years!

Guests: Andy Nollman, Matt “From the Bulletin;” Barry Shead, Dennis Walsh; Gary Young, Zacariah Stover, Mayor Peter Nystrom.

Assigned Fellowship duties, Ray stunned everyone by offering a variety of puns. Recovering from their shock, those assembled responded with kudos and a variety of felicitous sounds.

Announcements: President Andy thanked everyone for their contributions to the success of the dictionary delivery project and Schwartz Manor. The No Show Gala has reached $4,600, an estimable amount. Molly Bruno will be inducted as a club member on December 15.

Happy Dollars with Bary Shead! Barry welcomed all of the club’s guests, especially Dennis Walsh. His cross-country trip with his daughter went well and featured memorable visits to Las Vegas and the Hoover Dam. Gary Young welcomed our speaker, Carter Fisher from UCFS, and described his Thanksgiving trip with stops in Richmond, VA., and his final destination, Henderson, North Carolina, where he ate too much! Susy noted that she would be absent next week. She will be participating in the CBR fundraiser from 11-2:30 pm and hopes club members will support that event. Bill Champagne allowed that he was celebrating his 72 birthday, but added that he certainly did not feel it. Jen Granger thoroughly enjoyed Thanksgiving and loved being with her family. Her mom is in hospice care but was able to attend and enjoy the festivities. Mike Matera opined that his son announced that Santa did not exist. Mike assured him that Santa did exist because the Easter Bunny said so! Andy Grant welcomed our guests and thinks Nancy Gentes and Jen Granger are great! Ray reported that Theresa Madonna will soon be attending meetings again. Mayor Peter Nystrom thanked Gary for the luncheon invitation and spoke proudly of his new granddaughter. He also requested a membership form! Jay Waittes enjoyed his trip to Park City, Utah, and caught a glimpse of Kevin Costner. Zachariah Stover announced that he is moving to Niantic and thanked everyone with whom he has connected through Rotary and RCC. President Andy shared thank you cards from the residents of Schwartz Manor and described the vicissitudes of a family Thanksgiving.

The auction, not this week folks!

The lottery with Kathryn! Passions ran high as the first card was picked, but no elbows were thrown:

  • Jim Daly-No!
  • Rodney-Nay!
  • Jim Daly, redux-Never! Disgruntlement was evident among club members, but civility and culture prevailed.

Cookies-Andy Grant emerged victoriously and shared his prize with all takers.

Club Speaker-Carter Fish, CNM, described her responsibilities and challenges as head of the gynecological and prenatal vitamin program at UCFS. Her description of the care needed by her patients was particularly evocative. For many patients, other options for health and medical care are lacking. Carter is the sole clinician assisting in this capacity, which is highly rewarding but intense.