RONE for June 3, 2020
Presiding: President Mike Cooney
Invocation: Gary Young, with an extended, heartfelt, rhyming prayer. Very well done.
Fellowship: Bob Farwell. With words of wisdom from David Ruggles.
Birthdays: Andy Grant (May 29), Jerry Lowney (June 5).
Anniversaries: Jim Daly (14 years), Rich Pascal (20 years), Michele Scott (3 years), Jennifer Granger (7 years), Jim Konrad (2 years).
Visiting Rotarian: District Assistant Gov. Kevin Reich of the East Hampton club.
Announcements: Mike Cooney, Mary Richardson and others are working on a change of command meeting and ceremony (outdoors!) on June 24.
Mike thanked Erin Gizio, Mary Richardson and Nancy Gentes for food delivery to St. Vincent DePaul. Erin used a contact at Stop & Shop to execute the delivery, which may have gone to UCFS.
Kevin Reich describes the opportunity for our club to receive personal protection equipment including N95 masks, flat masks, gowns and shields. We can then distribute them to first responders, schools, non-profits, local businesses, etc., at our discretion.
Happy Dollars: With Barry Shead. He built a shed, including running electricity to it. He said the outlet he purchased had the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.
Kevin Wickless says Florencia, the exchange student from Argentina, has headed back home. She graduated from NFA and was a National Merit Scholar, graduating in the top 60 of her class. She traveled extensively, including about 40 days of skiing. But she did have some trips around the country canceled. Emily Fritchze, daughter of Jennifer Fritzche, is now in Brazil. She is returning in July.
Andy Grant says two of his four children are “consistently” beating him on the tennis court, and he’s looking forward to playing tennis with Gary Young again.
Gary Young is looking forward to facing Andy on the court again. He also got a haircut – “actually I got them all cut.” He also returned tried to return 400 bottles and cans, but could only return 100.
Jim Konrad thanked Mary Richardson for her recommendation of her son Will to fix Jim’s chainsaw. Will did a great job!
Susy Hurlbert says the Realtors are having their shredding event this Saturday, and you can donate non-perishable food too. She also has turned her hot tub into a one-person pool, complete with a floatie.
Erin Gizio says her daughter has mastered riding a bike with no training wheels.
Mary Richardson thanks Erin Gizio for making the food delivery happen quickly. She also has talked to folks about committee position and budget questions, and all have been helpful.
Mike Cooney has $5 for his 5-year-old.
Auction: Mike Cooney donated $20.
Program: In the latest episode of “Guess That Thing,” Kevin Reich ran into a celebrity in the 1950s. After many questions, Kevin revealed it was Ranger Andy — a big deal on state TV for children Gary Young had an interesting job when he was in his teens. He worked at Hopeville Pond State Park cleaning outhouses twice a week. Entertaining Q&As got us close on both.
Four-Way Test: Ray Baribeault led us.
Submitted by: Jim Konrad