Rotary Club of Norwich
May 6th, 2020
Presiding: President Mike Cooney
Invocation: Jim Konrad
Fellowship: Barry Shead
Birthdays: Joel Etra
Anniversaries: Probably!
Guests: Guest Speaker Marilyn Lowney
Barry gave a nostalgic look back on Opening Day’s in baseball. The great Ted Williams had a 449 average on his home openers and he hit in every single one. In 1940 the home opener between Cleveland and Chicago resulted in a no-hitter pitched by Bob Feller that propelled Cleveland to a 1-0 win! On opening day it’s the only time where both teams batting average is the same. Hank Aaron tied Babe Ruth’s 714 Home Run record on opening day! Willy Mays celebrated his 89th birthday on May 6th!
President Mike Cooney had the following announcements:
*Mark your calendar! Rotary Golf Tournament will be September 2nd!
*Happy Dollars committee is looking for deserving families or individuals to support.
*If you know of anyone who would be a good speaker at one of our Rotary Meetings contact Mary Richardson. Speakers can be done virtual.
*No Show Gala information as well as payment info for dues and Happy Dollars is up on the Rotary Webpage.
Happy Dollars: Nancy Gentes
Nancy kicked things off with thanking the many donors who donated to Madonna Place.
Mary Richardson reminded that baseball great Jackie Robinson’s widow lives right next door in Salem, CT!
Bill Champagne had a sad dollar that he read John Bulduc’s obituary in the paper. He also had a great Allyn Brown “Goat Story!”
Bob Reed told a funny “Goat Story” from a visit years back to the Haitian Health Foundation that included former Rotary District 7980 District Governor Dick Benson.
Roz Etra gave for a story with Joel Etra and a goat!
Jim Daly gave for Tom Brady.
Jim Konrad said that is latest job has been looking after a 9 month old!
Gary Young reminded that Thursday May 7th is a national day of prayer and he will be reciting one of his excellent poem prayers in Voluntown!
Barry Shead celebrated a birthday on Monday and he went out doe a nice dinner that had to be eaten in his car due to the pandemic! He did go out to dinner however!
Annah Perch has been looking after a 5 year old and was very happy for the money raised online for NFA for “1854 Founders Day!” She also said how great the Cherry Blossoms look on the NFA campus as she did go to work there this week and did not work from home!
Mike Cooney told a story of a toad on his porch railing that his daughter Katy had a run in with!
Auction: No Auction this week!
Lottery: No Lottery.
Program: This week virtual program was given by Marilyn Lowney, Executive Director of the Norwich bases Haitian Health Foundation. The HHF has been in existence for close to 40 years and was founded by her father and fellow Rotarian Jerry Lowney. The HHF serves over 250,000 people in the Grand Anse region of Haiti. The Haitian Health Foundation provides health care for the poorest of the poor in our hemisphere. The average Haitian family earns less than $1.25 a day and that put most people well below the poverty line. With the Covid-19 pandemic it is extremely difficult for everyone in Haiti to practice the social distancing and sanitary measures required to fight the virus. The HHF has created a program that is currently providing hand washing basins with soap and everything else needed to try to stay healthy. Log on to to donate to help fund this program as well as the other programs, housing, education, goat breeding and many other thing that serve the poor.
President Mike Cooney ended the meeting at 1:09pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Reed – RONE Reporter