Norwich Rotary Club

The Rone for October 16th, 2024

Norwich Rotary Club

October 16th, 2024

Location-Bella Fiore


PresidingPresident Rodney Green

InvocationCara Westcott

Rodney asked all to pause for a moment of silence to remember Rotarian Manny Kadish who died earlier in the week at the ripe old age on 102. 

Fellowship: Ray Baribeault

Birthdays:   Jeff Brining

Anniversaries:  None

Guests:  No Guests

Visiting Rotarians:  No visiting Rotarians

Ray once again entertained all with his famous puns!  “Remember when getting Botox surgery was taboo?  Now no one raises an eyebrow!”  

Membership Minute:  Paul Gaffney

Paul said he was standing in for Stan as he is in Colorado Springs at a Marine Corps reunion.  Paul gave a number of famous Rotarians names in addition to the ones mention last week.  Many astronauts and Supreme Court Justices were among the group.  There will also be a Rotary information table set up at the event on the 14th of November.


The Rotary Spectacular “A Bizarre Bazaar” will take place on Thursday, November 14th at the Donald Oat Theatre, 62 Broadway, in Norwich.  Tickets are available for purchase at   The event is sponsored by Rose City Financial.  $25.00 admission. 

 Please bring spare clean egg cartons and give them to Bonnie Johnson.  

If you know of a speaker for one of our meetings, please contact Kevin Wickless or Alexis Kahn to get on the schedule.   

If there is a Rotarian who is sick or going through a tough time let the Sunshine Committee know and contact Mary Richardson or Nancy Gentes.

Happy Dollars:  Jen Granger

Jen gave Happy Dollars in honor of National Unity Day!

Bill Champagne gave for the Thanksgiving Challenge.  He thanked Pat Marshall for filling in for him at the check-in table selling lotter tickets.  Bill also had a Manny Kadish story from when he sold Manny’s house for him and received a commission he hadn’t expected years later.  Bill reported Lottie is having some tough days as of late and passed a card around for all to sign wishing her the best and also took a video of everyone saying hi!

Barry Shead was sad to hear of Manny’s passing and reminded us of the Mystic Post Office returning Birthday cards from 2 years ago saying he was deceased.  Also, shared a story Manny told about smoking actually saving his life!

Kathryn Tracey gave for the Thanksgiving Challenge and said she’s taking care of her daughter’s cat and will soon visit her father in Florida. 

Jeff Brining said that NPU crews have returned from helping out with the hurricane repairs in Orlando.  Both his son and daughter are still excelling at cross country.  He said his daughter ran a 6 minute mile. 

Mike Matera shared some memories of Manny’s slide shows of his diving trips around the world.  He’s also leaving for Bliss, NY to pick up a Rottweiler puppy to surprise his son with for his birthday! 

Mike Cooney gave to the Thanksgiving Challenge and said he was sorry to have missed a few meetings.  He reminded the club that the “No Show Gala” is now up and running!  Log on to and make your donation today.  $25.00 will buy a new coat for a needy child.  Be as generous as you can!  Mike was also sad to learn that his friend Chris Hart passed away.

Mary Richardson also shared the Manny story of his cards being returned saying he was deceased when he was alive and well living at Stoneridge in Mystic.

Gary Young said that his cousins were visiting from Texas and were going to a Patriots game.

Susy Hurlbert wished Jeff Brining a Happy Birthday.  She also said that her daughter is half way through getting her PhD.  Her son is also doing well since moving back from Korea and has been working with his father on a very lucrative project.

Roz Etra said the Rotary Spectacular is less than a month away.  You too can be a star and get your talent ideas to Pat Marshall soon! 

Pat Marshall is taking names for Volunteers to help with the Rotary Spectacular!

AuctionMike Gordon

LotteryPat Marshall

Roz Etra, Ryan Telford and Bill Champagne could not find the Ace of Spades.  Andrew Nollman was the winner of the ARC Cookies and promptly shard them will everyone!

Program:  No Program today, however Mary Richardson said that the new Rotary Flag for Rotary Park on Norwich Harbor has arrived.  She also mentioned that some landscaping needs to be addressed at that area and a work project need to be organized to spruce up the area.   

Bonnie Johnson at 12:51pm led the club with the 4-Way Test and the meeting was adjourned.