Norwich Rotary Club

The Rone for the April 19th Meeting!

Norwich Rotary Club

April 19th, 2023

Location-Bella Fiore


PresidingMary Richardson

InvocationMandy Crispin

Fellowship:  Nancy Gentes

Birthdays:   None

Anniversaries: Kathryn Tracy – 4 Years

Visiting Rotarians:  None

Guests: Jan Savagio – Norwich Woman’s City Club

Nancy’s Fellowship some of what she called “Mental Floss!”  She then named some names of town’s that are somewhat odd.  Some of the town’s in the US that are real and not a joke are Ketchuptown, Bigfoot, Bacon, Bitterend, Bouring, Nothing, Whynot, and Accident… just to name a few.


*Mary had the following announcements:

*May 3rd will be the Whiskey, Wine & Cigar Event at Bella Fiore.  $75.00 per person and tickets will be on sale right now on Eventbrite.  40 tickets have been sold and are going fast.  Order yours today!  Log on to the club’s webpage and follow the link to purchase tickets!

 *May 20th will be a “Rotary Day of Service” and our club will be doing a joint project with other area clubs that day.  Volunteers will be packing meal packages this year.  Location is 3 Rivers Community College.

*Bowling with the Ledyard Rotary Club will be Sunday, August 13th!  Let’s get a team together and show em’ how it’s done!

 *Golf Tournament will be September 6th this year!  Only $150pp per golfer.  One of the cheaper tournaments to take part in this season!

 *The Native Son/Daughter Lunch will take place in June 7th and our club will be sponsoring the event along with the Norwich Woman’s City Club.  This year bestselling author Wally Lamb will be honored. 

 *Log on to our website and donate for the Rotary Clock that will be placed at Brown Park on Norwich Harbor. 

 *Rotarians are encouraged to please invite prospective members for lunch and introduce them to the world of Rotary.

 *Speakers wanted for our meetings.  If you have an idea for a good guest speaker contact Kevin Wickless or Bob Farwell to get one on the schedule.

Happy Dollars: – Rodney Green

 *Rodney started things off saying he is preparing to leave this week for a visit to Vietnam. 

 *Stan Lucas said he has been to Vietnam a number of years ago courtesy of the US Government.  He’s happy to be leaving to play golf with a number of friends in North Carolina.  6 rounds in just a few days!

*Andy Nollman enjoyed a date night with his wife Lona at the Pat Benatar concert.  He was also glad Tax Season ended for most at 5:01 on the 18th!  Now for his audit on Friday and he’ll be happy! 

 *Bill Champagne reminded the club that the Amastad, the State of Connecticut’s Official Ship, will be in Norwich all week April 24th through April 29th.  Open for tours.  There will be a welcoming ceremony and the Norwich Historical Society will be taking part as well as Castle Church, The Norwich Race Equity Committee and school groups. 

*Jeff Bruning congratulated Bonnie Johnson on her boat that was damaged in last year’s hurricane is now back in Connecticut and being fixed.  Jeff also just returned from a vacation in Coco Beach, FL and while there enjoyed a terrific Air Show that featured the F-16 Thunderbirds.

 *Gary Young was able to unload some more of his worldly possessions at the flea market over the weekend to prepare to move into his new home with his wife Romer.  He raked in $400.00!

 *Nancy Gentes said that a really exceptional employee of Madonna Place has been diagnosed with Leukemia and she has asked the Happy Dollars committee to consider a donation to help this 42 year old father of 7.  He’s a great father and husband and would be a very worthy recipient of the club’s support.

Auction:  Rodney Green will auction something at another date.  Gary Young stepped up with a ticket to the Mashantucket Pequot Museum.  Sadly there were no takers for the single ticket.

 Monthly Rotary Trivia:  Stay Tuned.

Lottery: – Kathryn Tracy

Bill Champagne drew to no avail.  Next Mike Matera drew the Ace of Spades!  Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner!


No Program today.

 Andy Nollman led the club with the 4-Way Test and the meeting was adorned at 12:48pm



Respectfully submitted,

Bob Reed – RONE Reporter