Norwich Rotary Club
December 22nd, 2021
Location-Bella Fiore
Presiding: President Andy Nollman
Invocation: Joel Etra
Fellowship: Ray Baribeault
Birthdays: Chris Heller – December 25th
Anniversaries: Chris Heller 12/24 – 7 Years and Lottie Scott – January 2nd – 31 Years
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: Susy Hurlbert introduced her new puppy Sasha!
Ray gave a fellowship of really good and not so good puns to end the year! They all drew laughter! Thanks Ray!
*Andy Nollman had the following announcements:
*There will be no Rotary Meeting on December 29th the Wednesday before the New Year holiday! Many members are off work that week and traveling or with family for the New Year holiday, so we’ll get together in the New Year!
*The No-Show Gala is still happening between now and the end of the year. Be sure to donate. We are currently $400.00 shy of the $5,000.00 goal. Be sure to donate on-line at the Norwich Rotary website and share with your friends to donate too!
*Jim Daly and Mary Richardson are working on the slate of Officers and Board Members for next Rotary year. If you wish to serve, please contact either of them.
*President Andrew asked Rotarians to please invite prospective members for lunch this coming New Year and introduce them to Rotary.
*This coming New Year the club will be looking for speakers. Should you know of an appropriate guest speaker contact Bob Farwell or Kevin Wickless available dates.
Happy Dollars: Barry Shead
*Barry gave happy dollars to welcome Susy’s new puppy and said it was great to see Joel!
*Mary Richardson welcomed everyone to the final meeting of the year and told a humorous tale of thinking of giving her office staff a half day on Friday Christmas Eve. She was told she would be alone at the office as the 24th is the observed holiday and her staff has the entire day off!
*Gary Young was wondering if Susy’s new puppy was part of the Yankee Swap! He also was happy to announce that he and Romer just celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary! He also congratulated Roz and Joel for 46 years and Bob Reed for 35 years. He reminded us that the average marriage only lasts 8.2 years nowadays!
*Andy Nollman gave $20.00 to welcome Joel, Katie and Matt. He loved Susy’s new puppy, but didn’t hug the dog too long as he has allergies!
*Roz Etra gave happy dollars to say she and Joel were happy to be at the meeting. She also told the tale of their wedding taking place during a huge blizzard and her dad made the wedding ceremony but had to leave soon after to get back to the farm and get the cows back into the barn!
Auction: Andy Grant is in Utah so we assume he will make the customary monetary donation!
Lottery: Kathryn Tracy: Bob Reed, Gary Young and Jim Daly drew cards and not a winner in the bunch! Mike Matera was the winner of Barry’s cookies which he generously shared!
Program: The Yankee Swap!
At 12:30pm Andy Nollman adjourned the meeting and the Yankee Swap followed directly after led by Kathryn Tracy! Needless to say great fun followed as 18 gifts were opened and swapped to and fro! Bonnie Johnson passed out her superb homemade cookies during the swap!
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Reed – RONE Reporter