Norwich Rotary Club

The Rone – January 15, 2025

Norwich Rotary Club

January 15, 2025

Location-Bella Fiore


PresidingPresident Rodney Green

InvocationCara Westcott gave a very good invocation!  Watch out Gary Young!

Fellowship: Susy Hurlbert

Birthdays:   Gary Young – 1/12, Jim Daly – 1/10 and Andrew Nollman – 1/15

Anniversaries:  None

Guests:  Andrew Nollman introduced Atalyal Champalath from Charter Oak Bank, Mike Matera introduced his son Jonathan and our speaker Michael Vaz from Thames River Community Service

Visiting Rotarians:  Janet Sauvageau – Norwich Sunrise Rotary.

Susy’s fellowship was about the life and time of Martin Luther King, Jr. in honor of MLK Day coming up in Monday, January 20th.  Susy stated that Dr. King reminded all when being called to action that it should be done in a non-violent way.  One of Dr. King’s most famous quotes   “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

Membership Minute:  Stan Lucas

Stan reminded all that we should talk about Rotary and invite our family, friends, business associates and anyone else we come in contact with to come to a lunch with the club.  Always keep Rotary top of mind and share the Spirit of Rotary with everyone.  Stan hope to have another Membership Committee meeting next week.

Special Presentation:  President Rodney called Rotarian Susy Hurlbert to the podium to present her with a Paul Harris Fellow +1 pin!  Congratulations Susy!  Thank you for being so generous to the Rotary Foundation!


The Clock Tower Project is in full swing and is halfway paid for.  The Rotary website has been updated with current pledge forms and Rotarians and anyone else can get their pledges in by February 28th to be included in naming opportunities on the clock.  Installation will hopefully be in April or very soon thereafter.

Nancy Gentes reminded that the application window for Rotary Grants is now through May 15th.  Applications can be found on the Norwich Rotary website.

Please bring spare clean egg cartons and give them to Bonnie Johnson.  

If you know of a speaker for one of our meetings, please contact Kevin Wickless to get on the schedule.   

If there is a Rotarian who is sick or going through a tough time let the Sunshine Committee know and contact Mary Richardson or Nancy Gentes.

Happy Dollars:  Molly Bruno

Molly said she has planned a vacation to Puerto Rico in May and is considering addition trips too!   

Stan Lucas gave $80.00 Happy Dollars in honor of his 80th birthday!  He’s throwing himself a party on Friday January 17th at his home on 280 Broadway in Norwich!  All Rotarians are welcome!  Maleana will be the musical entertainment just like his 40th birthday party!  It’s a Toga Party too, just like 40 years ago!  Again, all are invited to celebrate from 7pm to 12 midnight!

Rodney Green said he’ll be going to London to see his Great Grandaughter off as she will be doing her spring semester there instead of NYU in NYC.  He also reported eggs are again high at $5.73 a dozen.

Margarita Martins-Querido gave $10.00 Happy Dollars to welcome our guests and to say she was happy to have made 2 closings this week!  One was to help a friend get a dream home and with God’s help it happened!

Mike Cooney said it is sure cold out.  Last week he did avoid the cold as he was on a nice cruise with many of his colleagues.  It was warm and he actually ran 6 miles around the deck of the ship! 

Nancy Gentes welcomed our guests and was happy to see Mary Richardson back with her new shoulder!  She also filled our guests in what Happy Dollars does to support our community.

Gary Young wished all with birthday’s a happy birthday.  He’s 78!  He also cautioned members that when ordering pizza’s from Domino’s the offer you her on the TV ads might not be what you get when you pick up your pizza!

Bill Champagne had a $300.00 check for a naming opportunity on the Rotary Clock.  Be sure to get you pledge forms in with you checks by the end of February!

Susy Hurlbert gave to wish Happy Birthday to all the B-Day people!  She also encouraged everyone to donate to the fire victims in California.  The ECAR web site as well as the Rotary Web has quick and easy ways to support all who have lost everything.

Pat Marshall said growing up Irish Catholic in Boston she has taught her children not to ever be prejudice as she experienced prejudice growing up.  Teach your children to be kind.

Andrew Nollman gave in honor of his birthday and to welcome our guests.  He’s been very busy so far at work and is looking forward to a vacation next week and to some birthday celebrations that will include some Sushi in Old Saybrook!

Cara Westcott gave in honor of 1st anniversary of her being in Rotary coming up.  She said that her first meeting as a guest she saw Pat Marshall dressed up as a shark and decided this might be a fun group to belong to!

Alexis Kahn said she was glad to be back at Rotary and told a story of a new young employee at the bank who belonged to a youth Rotary group and how he felt it helped him with his career!  She also is the chairman of a new sustainability committee in her town and is looking forward to getting it off the ground.

AuctionPaul Gaffney auctioned off a dog friendly T-Shirt.  Alexis Kahn was the high bidder at $25.00!

LotteryBill Champagne

Jonathan Matera, Atalyal Champalath and Susy Pat Marshall did not find the Ace of Spades! 

Program:  Michael Vaz from the Thames River Community Service spoke about the services they provide to the homeless, especially those between the ages of 18 to 24.  Thames River Community Service is an essential organization providing housing and support services to formerly homeless residents, primarily of New London County. In our main building 21 parents ages 18-24 and their young children reside in one of 21 apartments. Additionally, we serve area youth in the community who are at risk of homelessness. Our mission is accomplished by promoting family and individual wellness, by empowering an achievable plan for successful independent living, to pursue significant employment, to acquire life skills and to maintain stability.

Rodney led the club with the 4-Way Test and the meeting was adjourned at 1:10pm.