Norwich Rotary Club
January 22, 2025
Location-Bella Fiore
Presiding: Ray Baribeault filling in for President Rodney
Invocation: Barry Shead
Fellowship: Susy Hurlbert
Birthdays: Stan Lucas – 1/17, Ray Baribeault – 1/21
Anniversaries: Tom Adams – 23 years!
Guests: Molly Bruno introduces Atalya Champalatn and Margarita Martins-Querido introduced Brandon Gidicsin
Visiting Rotarians: None.
Susy’s fellowship started with the Rotary Welcome song. The club fell into the old version as without Rodney to lead us we still haven’t grasped the new one! January is Rotary Vocation Month. Susy went to all members in attendance and asked all to say how Rotary has influenced their vocation. Many great answers were given and including the Rotary 4-Way Test in our vocational lives is a sure way to be a winner and become successful and benefit all we come in contact with.
Membership Minute: Stan Lucas
Stan reminded all that we should talk about Rotary and invite our family, friends, business associates and anyone else we come in contact with to come to a lunch with the club. The business memberships are a value to both the business and the club as multiple people in that organization can attend meetings and become involved in Rotary.
The Clock Tower Project is in full swing and is halfway paid for. The Rotary website has been updated with current pledge forms and Rotarians and anyone else can get their pledges in by February 28th to be included in naming opportunities on the clock. Installation will hopefully be in April or very soon thereafter.
Rotary Grants are now through May 15th. Applications can be found on the Norwich Rotary website.
Please bring spare clean egg cartons and give them to Bonnie Johnson.
If you know of a speaker for one of our meetings, please contact Kevin Wickless or Alexis Kahn to get on the schedule.
If there is a Rotarian who is sick or going through a tough time let the Sunshine Committee know and contact Mary Richardson or Nancy Gentes.
Happy Dollars: Molly Bruno
Molly has a great formula to get a full 8 hours of sleep! It’s a chocolate type mix that you drink 2 hours before bedtime and you sleep like a baby! Ask her for details!
Bill Champagne gave $40.00 to say that he spent Martin Luther King, Jr. Day at a luncheon at NFA that was attended by all races of people. It was an uplifting event hearing the words of Dr. King. He said that nationally DEI is likely to go away, but said that locally it can still be done and accomplish good results. 40 years in Rotary Bill generously gave $40.00! He said that Mike Gorgon sponsored him into the club.
Gary Young said that by his Scottish roots he was able to pay only $1.59 for gas with the discounts he earned! Still needs to work on Domino’s Pizza to get his discounts!
Pat Marshall came to the front of the room singing “These Boots are made for Walking!” She said at 75 years old she loves to “walk” into the Rotary Meetings and enjoy time with all her Rotary friends!
Tom Adams said when he was inducted into Rotary in 2002 there were 7 other people that were brought in the same day. Stan Lucas was President that year. It would be nice to see that kind if inductions again!
Mike Cooney said he feels like he 75 sometimes. He’s been using a walking pad that a little too short and he has a sprained hip and ankle since using it! One benefit is that his kids shoveled his driveway because of his injuries.
Mandy Chrispim said that today’s speaker Mary Reilly had to reschedule to next month as there was a death in the family.
Our Guest Atalya said she was happy to be at today’s meetng and be around so many selfless people.
Susy Hurlbert said she bought a really great cake that was awesome.
Auction: No Auction today.
Lottery: Bill Champagne
Jim Daly, Tom Adams and Mike Matera did not find the Ace of Spades! The Pot continues to grow!
Program: There was no program today, however Cara Westcott gave a quick update on the club’s participation in this year’s St. Patrick’s Parade in Norwich on Sunday, March 2nd. 1pm start.
Ray called Stan to lead the club with the 4-Way Test and the meeting was adjourned at 12:59pm.