President Mary called the meeting to order at 12:15 pm.
Invocation– Barry Shead gave a great 4 way test invocation
Fellowship– Nancy Gentes welcomed our guests. Andrew Nollman’s guest, Ryan Telford submitted an application for membership today. The welcome song was “low and slow”, but a nice rendition nonetheless. Nancy’s fellowship was about the answers to questions and then those answer become the final answer. Today’s answers were: Wolf, Tinker, Michael, Lear and Spelling. The final answer from those clues is that they are all “Producers.”
Announcements: President Mary reported that there will be no noontime meeting on 12/20, instead the meeting will be at the Membership Mingle @ 5:30pm @ the Lucas residence. Also there will be no meeting on 12/27
Happy Dollars:
- Barry Shead- #1 song this week is “Rockin’ around the Xmas tree.” Amazing after all these years
- Kevi Wickless- Welcome guests and has a great auction prize
- Stan Lucas- Welcome to former Rotarian, Keith Caplet. Going to Costa Rica next week to stay in his new house he built. Digitized a film from his Dad when VP Nixon came to Norwich to visit in the 1950’s! Will play it for us at an upcoming Rotary mtg.
- Rodney Green- Went to Vegas with Lucille last week. Lots has changed post Covid from what he remembers. Today is Lucille’s birthday, he has alot planned, including going to a Rockette’s show in NYC. Lucilee loves the Rockette’s.
- Mandi Crispim- Welcomed Keith. Has surgery upcoming on 12/15. Will be on LOA until March 2024. Good luck Mandi!
- Mike Goldblatt- Shared good news about the Rink. The NY Rangers are sponsoring s kids programs where they get gear and trainings, etc
- Pat Marshall- At age 20 yrs old visited Auschwitz, Germany. Was very moving and meaningful for her back then and the recent Antisemitism uprising has really caused her to be coccerned and for the things that are going on now.
- Jeff Brining- Daddy Daughter weekend. Went to a snowmobiling class, made up of all girls and 1 guy. Says she did great and passed the class.
- Gary Young- Welcomed Keith. Relayed a VP Nixon story when he came into town
- President Mary- Welcomed guests and Thank you to Kevin
Auction: Nancy Gentes donated $20 and Andrew won a bottle of Bulliet Bourbon from Kevin Wickless for $30
Lottery: Barry, Pat and Mary and pulled and struck out. Stan won the cookies and shared with the Club
Speaker: Sadeya Zakaria, the President of the Robertsine Duncan Youth Council of the NAACP. Sadeya is a very active 17 year old at NFA. She and her family came from the Sudan in 2018 and settled in New London. 2021 they moved to Norwich. Sadeye helped plan a MLK march and luncheon, is Chair of NFA Health Committee that focuses on mental health, President of the French Club, helped plan NAACP Convention @ Foxwoods. Loves to read and writes poetry. After NFA graduation Sadeya will attend TRCC for CNA Medical Interpreter, then plans to go to medical school and become a Psychiatrist.
President Mary closed the meeting at 1:18pm with Bonnie Johnson leading the Club in the 4 way test