President Mary called the meeting to order at 12:15pm
Invocation- Barry Shead
Fellowship- Nancy Gentes. No birthdays or anniversaries to celebrate. Guests were: Kyle Main w/ Chelsea Groton Bank; Virginia and Marilyn Lowney. Administration Professionals Day is in April. Nancy read some of the contests letters submitted in a Good boss/Bad boss contest. Sadly the bad Boss comments outweighed the good comments.
New member inductions- We had a great meeting with 30 people in attendance. There was great spirit and fellowship in the room today! New members inducted were: Roz Etra, Margarida Martin-Querido, Cristin Wickless. UCFS has changed their membership to a Corporate membership. Cara Westcott and Cary Trantalis were inducted today from UCFS. Welcome aboard all! Molly Bruno brought cake to help celebrate the inductions.
Happy Dollars- Lead by Rodney Green. Rodney welcomed our new Rotarians and said his trip to visit family last weekend was great.
- Mike Gordon- Welcomed the Lowney’s. Said it’s good to be back and seeing how the Club has grown. They’re loving Niantic. He had a triple bypass, but is doing great. Grandson who is 14 yr old, is taller than Mike
- Stan Lucas- Welcomed our new Rotarians. Had Gary and Romer over for Easter dinner. Told a funny Payday story, which Gary was apart of.
- Bill Champagne- Congrats to Stan, his committee and the new Rotarians. Happy to Mike Gordon, who was Bill’s sponsor into the Club
- Tom Adams- Welcomed our new Rotarians. Good job to Stan and committee
- Mike Goldblatt- Happy to see Mike Gordon, though they see each every so often at antique train shows. Welcomed our new Rotarians. Happy tax season is almost over
- Jerry Lowney- Welcomed our new Rotarians. Is happy Virginia and Marilyn are in attendance today
- Jeff Brining- Welcomed our new Rotarians. Off the FLA for vacation next week
- Pat Marshall- Talked about a work situation and protecting the elderly
- Cara Westcott- Happy to be a new Rotarian. Had a girls trip to Aruba recently. Had a great time.
- Margarida Martins-Querido- Thank you to Molly for bringing her into the Club. Very happy her kids came home this weekend and she was able to feed them.
- Marilyn Lowney- Welcomed our new Rotarians. Loves attending our meetings and that we’re very welcoming
- Roz Etra- Went on a visit w/ Marliyn Lowney in Enfield. Andrew missed the specifics, but I think music and singing to the elderly was involved. Honored to be a Rotarian and remembering/honoring Joel today.
- Kyle Main- Thanks to the Club for being so warm and welcoming. Is a member of Toastmasters and welcomed us to visit an upcoming meeting
- Barry Shead- Welcomed our new Rotarians. Told story about an old bank in Maine he used to work at. At their annual meeting, the boss said to “make sure to take some time off with family during the Holiday season.” Barry said the boss was a good boss
- Bonnie Johnson- Welcomed our new Rotarians. Thank you for the egg cartons. Keep them coming, they’re being put to good use at the food pantry for people in need
Lottery- 3 pullers… Marilyn Lowney, Paul Gaffney and Gary Young who deferred to Marilyn to pull, but no winners.. Crisin Wicklless was the winner for The ARC cookies
Auction- Barry Shead was on the list. He’ll bring $20 to next weeks meeting
Bonnie Johnson led the Club in the 4 way test and President Mary closed the meeting 1:05pm.