Norwich Rotary Club
November 6th, 2024
Location-Bella Fiore
Presiding: President Rodney Green
Invocation: Rodney Green
Fellowship: Barry Shead
Birthdays: Jeremy Doyle – 11/10
Anniversaries: None
Guests: Mark Irons and Eric Reynolds from Southeastern Regional Action Council
Visiting Rotarians: No visiting Rotarians
Barry after threatening to give a recap of the recent elections decided to give a little history on the 4 best finishes to past World Series games. #1 was Game 1 of the 1998 Dodgers vs. Athletics where Kirk Gibson hit the game winning home run off Dennis Eckersley. #2 was the 1977 Game 6 Dodgers vs. Yankees where Reggie Jackson hit 3 homers and got the nickname “Mr. October!” #3 was the 7th game of the 1960 series Yankees vs. Pirates. #4 was the 1975 Red Sox vs. the Reds Game 6 where Carton Fisk hit the game winning home run where he waved the ball fair!
Membership Minute: Paul Gaffney
The Rotary Spectacular “A Bizarre Bazaar” is approaching fast. Next week’s meeting will take place at the NAC Theater for some practice for the big night happening on the 14th. Be sure to invite perspective members to the event. Buy tickets in advnce off the rotary website.
***President Rodney said the November 20th meeting will be held at Beth Jacob Synagogue and will be a tribute to Rotarian Manny Kadish. Noon tribute to Manny with fellowship to follow at 12:45 with food. Also, there will be no meeting on November 27th the day before Thanksgiving. The next meeting back at Bella Fiore will be December 4th.***
The Rotary Spectacular “A Bizarre Bazaar” will take place on Thursday, November 14th at the Donald Oat Theatre, 62 Broadway, in Norwich. Tickets are available for purchase at The event is sponsored by Rose City Financial. $25.00 admission.
Please bring spare clean egg cartons and give them to Bonnie Johnson.
If you know of a speaker for one of our meetings, please contact Kevin Wickless or Alexis Kahn to get on the schedule.
If there is a Rotarian who is sick or going through a tough time let the Sunshine Committee know and contact Mary Richardson or Nancy Gentes.
Happy Dollars: Mike Matera
Mike was happy that his son’s outdoor soccer season ended only to find out that indoor soccer started less than a week later! His leaf work is done and he also had fun riding on his son’s go kart!
Gary Young once again said he is the winner of the Stan Lucas “Look-a-Like” contest! Haircut soon to follow!
Pat Marshall is happy that both her sons will be attending the Rotary Talent Show next week! She also looks forward to spending Thanksgiving with her son in New York City and seeing him as one of the balloon handlers of one of the giant balloons in the Macy’s Parade!
Jeff Brining said the cross country season has ended and his son did well in the final race of the season finishing 55th out of 140 runners. His 12 year old daughter also ran a regional race with over 400 runners and not only finished 1st but was a minute ahead of the 2nd place finisher!
Andy Grant said he’s thrilled the election season has ended!
Steve Martin said he attended a Rotary Training Seminar over the weekend and learned a lot. He also worked hard busting up concrete walls for his church.
Mandy Crispim welcomed our guest speakers Mark and Eric.
Mike Cooney said he shoveled concrete in the hot sun which was something he shouldn’t have done having Lyme Disease. He also reminded that the No Show Gala is still going on and to get you donations in so you don’t have to go!
Barry Shead congratulated Jeff on his daughter good finish. He told a story of his daughter running a race years ago, where she was pushed at the start, got banged up but still finished the race! He also attended a Masonic event in New Hampshire and met Rodney Green’s twin. Talked like Rodney and even looked like Rodney!
Kirsten Wickless is happy the elections are over!
Nancy Gentes revealed that her 10 year old granddaughter won a sharpshooting competition. She also excels at Swimming and Baseball!
Auction: Rodney Green auctioned off a brand new saute burner. Mandy Crispim was the high bidder at $15.00.
Lottery: Bonnie Johnson
Mike Cooney, Bill Champagne and Kirsten Wickless could not come up with the Ace of Spades. Our guest speaker Mark Irons was the winner of the ARC Cookies!
Program: Mark Irons, Executive Director of the Southeastern Regional Action Council and his project coordinator Mark Reynolds gave a presentation on SCRAC. SERAC engages with the communities of Eastern CT to implement proven practices that reduce the impact of behavioral health challenges across the lifespan. This is achieved through collaboration, needs assessment, capacity building, and advocacy.
President Rodney at 1:10pm led the club with the 4-Way Test and the meeting was adjourned.