Norwich Rotary Club
October 12th, 2022
Location-Bella Fiore
Presiding: President Susy Hurlbert
Invocation: Barry Shead
Fellowship: Ray Baribeault
Birthdays: Jeff Brining – Oct. 18
Anniversaries: None
Visiting Rotarians: Liz Tattersall – Stonington
Guests: None
Ray got is car back from the repair shop and with it he had his “First String” puns for all to enjoy! As usual about an equal amount of cheers and groans were received!
*Susy Hurlbert had the following announcements:
*The Dictionary Project will take place on October 26th and volunteers are needed to deliver the dictionaries to the schools.
*Rotarians are encouraged to please invite prospective members for lunch and introduce them to the world of Rotary.
*The club will be looking for speakers. Should you know of an appropriate guest speaker contact Bob Farwell or Kevin Wickless.
*Kindness gardens are now available for purchase on the Rotary Website. $150.00 for small, $250.00 for large and $500.00 extra large.
*The Liberty Bank Challenge to support the residents of Swartz Manor during Thanksgiving is now going on. Please give no less than $20.00 during Happy Dollars to support the cause.
Happy Dollars: – Jen Granger
*Jen announced that the Dictionary Project will take place on October 26th from 9am to 11am. The pick-up location will be a UCFS and volunteers are needed to deliver to that area schools.
*Bill Champagne gave to promote the Race Equity Committee and the upcoming lecture by Bridget Brown on Unconscious Bias and Microaggressions on Wednesday, October 19th at 6pm at 3 Rivers.
*Mike Cooney said that his kids sold over $800.00 in popcorn for the Scouts. He passed around an order sheet to all Rotarians to help add to the total.
*Molly Bruno said that the 3rd Annual “Trunk or Treat” event that she started will be taking place on October 29th for the Reliance House for kids. She invited all to take part if they can.
*Susy Hurlbert gave $30.00, half of what she plans to give for the Liberty Bank Thanksgiving Challenge, to announce she attended a team building event at the Waterford Country School that she found beneficial.
*Gary Young thanked Molly Bruno, Bill Champagne and Stan Lucas for their help in selling his current house and finding him and Romer temerory housing until they find a new home to buy.
Auction: Lottie Scott will donate to the cause.
Weekly Rotary Trivia: Terry Congdon will conduct the first Wed. in November.
Lottery: – Barry Shead
Barry Shead, Ray Baribeault & Bill Champagne did not find the Ace of Spades! Gary Young won the cookies!
Susy Hurlbert introduced Stonington Rotarian Liz Tattersall who runs a “Life Coaching” business. At the end of her presentations she offered a free one hour strategy session to anyone interested.
Susy Hurlbert led the Club and all recited the 4-Way Test and the meeting was adjourned at 1:10 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Reed – RONE Reporter